On receiving the application, the Childrens Court may order the transfer of the child protection order to the participating State if—
(a) the home order is not the subject of an appeal under chapter 3 , part 4 and, if no appeal has been started, the time for starting an appeal has expired; and
(b) the interstate officer for that State has given written consent to the transfer and to the provisions of the proposed interstate order; and
(ba) an appropriate case plan has been prepared under chapter 2 , part 3A ; and
(c) a family group meeting has been held or reasonable attempts to hold a family group meeting have been made; and
(d) if the application is contested, a conference between the parties has been held or reasonable attempts to hold a conference have been made; and
(e) the child’s wishes or views, if able to be ascertained, have been made known to the court.