"applicable period" , for an offer to make amends, see section 14 (2) .
"associated entity" has the meaning given in the Corporations Act , section
50AAA .
"Australian court" means any court established by or under a law of an
Australian jurisdiction (including a court conducting committal proceedings
for an indictable offence).
"Australian jurisdiction" means—
(a) a State; or
(b) a Territory; or
(c) the Commonwealth.
(a) a federation and a state, territory, province or other part of a federation; and
(b) an Australian jurisdiction.
(a) anything on which there is writing; and
(b) anything on which there are marks, figures, symbols or perforations having a meaning for persons qualified to interpret them; and
(c) anything from which sounds, images or writings can be reproduced with or without the aid of anything else; and
(d) a map, plan, drawing or photograph.
(a) an article, report, advertisement or other thing communicated by means of a newspaper, magazine or other periodical; and
(b) a program, report, advertisement or other thing communicated by means of television, radio, the Internet or any other form of electronic communication; and
(c) a letter, note or other writing; and
(d) a picture, gesture or oral utterance; and
(e) any other thing by means of which something may be communicated to a person.
(a) a parliament or legislature of any country; or
(b) a house of a parliament or legislature of any country; or
(c) a committee of a parliament or legislature of any country; or
(d) a committee of a house or houses of a parliament or legislature of any country.