Without limiting section 57 , the court may impose a condition on the respondent that—
(a) prohibits stated behaviour of the respondent that would constitute domestic violence against the aggrieved or associated domestic violence against a named person; or
(b) prohibits stated behaviour of the respondent that is likely to lead to domestic violence against the aggrieved or associated domestic violence against a named person; or
(c) prohibits the respondent from approaching, or attempting to approach, the aggrieved or a named person, including stating in the order a distance within which an approach is prohibited; or
(d) prohibits the respondent from contacting, attempting to contact or asking someone else to contact the aggrieved or a named person, including, for example, if the aggrieved or named person has taken shelter at a refuge; or
(e) prohibits the respondent from locating, attempting to locate or asking someone else to locate the aggrieved or a named person if the aggrieved’s or named person’s whereabouts are not known to the respondent; or
(f) prohibits stated behaviour of the respondent towards a child of the aggrieved, or a child who usually lives with the aggrieved, including prohibiting the respondent’s presence at or in a place associated with the child.