A temporary protection order continues in force until—
(a) if, upon an application for a protection order related to the temporary protection order, the court makes a protection order and the respondent is in court when the protection order is made—when the protection order is made; or
(b) if, upon an application for a protection order related to the temporary protection order, the court makes a protection order and the respondent is not in court when the protection order is made, the earliest of the following—(i) when the respondent is served with a copy of the protection order;(ii) when the protection order otherwise becomes enforceable under section 177 ;(iii) when the protection order ends; or
(c) if, upon an application for a protection order related to the temporary protection order, the court refuses to make a protection order—when the court refuses to make the protection order; or
(d) if an application for a protection order related to the temporary protection order is withdrawn—when the application is withdrawn; or
(e) otherwise—when any protection order related to the temporary protection order ends.