Queensland Consolidated Acts

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SCHEDULE 4 – Dictionary

"abate" ...

"accreditation program" , for an agricultural ERA, for chapter 5A , part 5A , see section 318YB .

"accredited" , under a recognised accreditation program for an agricultural ERA, for chapter 5A , part 5A , see section 318YA .

"additional condition" ...

"administering authority" means—

(a) for a matter, the administration and enforcement of which has been devolved to a local government under section 514 —the local government; or
(b) for another matter—the chief executive.

"administering executive" means—
(a) for a matter, the administration and enforcement of which has been devolved to a local government under section 514 —the local government’s chief executive officer; or
(b) for another matter—the chief executive.

"advice agency" ...

"adviser" , for chapter 4A , part 4 , see section 83 .

"affected building" , for chapter 8 , part 3B , see section 440K .

"affected person" , for a project, see section 38 .

"agricultural chemical product" means an agricultural chemical product under the Agvet Code of Queensland as applying under the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Queensland) Act 1994 .

"agricultural chemicals" ...

"agricultural ERA" see section 79 .

"agricultural ERA record" ...

"agricultural ERA standard" see section 81 (1) .

"agricultural property" ...

"aircraft movement" means a landing, departure or ground movement of aircraft, whether on or from land, water, a building or a vehicle.

"amalgamated environmental authority" , for chapter 5 , part 8 , see section 243 .

"amalgamated corporate authority" , for chapter 5 , part 8 , see section 243 .

"amalgamated local government authority" , for chapter 5 , part 8 , see section 243 .

"amalgamated project authority" , for chapter 5 , part 8 , see section 243 .

"amalgamation application" , for chapter 5 , part 8 , see section 243 .

"amending Act" ...

"amendment application" , for an environmental authority or PRCP schedule, see section 224 .

"amendment decision" —
(a) for chapter 5, part 6—see section 219(2); or
(b) for chapter 7, part 3, division 3, subdivision 3—see section 344AG(2).

"anniversary day" , for an environmental authority—
1 Generally, the
"anniversary day" for an environmental authority means—
(a) for an environmental authority for a resource activity—each anniversary of the day the relevant tenure is granted; or
(b) for an environmental authority for a prescribed ERA—each anniversary of the day the environmental authority takes effect.
See, however, sections 602 , 677 , 680 , 682 and 690 .
2 Also—
(a) if the anniversary day for an environmental authority is changed under chapter 5 , part 15 , division 3 , the
"anniversary day" for the authority is the day as changed; or
(b) if the administering authority decides to approve an amalgamation application for an amalgamated local government authority or amalgamated project authority, the
"anniversary day" for the amalgamated environmental authority is the day stated in section 247A .
3 The anniversary day for an environmental authority does not change merely because the authority is amended, de-amalgamated or transferred.

"annual notice" see section 316I (2) .

"applicable code" ...

"applicable event" , for chapter 7 , part 4A , see section 357A .

"applicant" , for chapter 5 , parts 2 to 5 , means the applicant for an environmental authority.

"applicants" ...

"application" , for chapter 5 , parts 2 to 5 , means an application for an environmental authority.

"application date" ...

"application documents" , for an application for an environmental authority, a proposed PRC plan or an amendment application for an environmental authority or PRCP schedule, means each of the following—
(a) the properly made application for the environmental authority, the proposed PRC plan or the properly made amendment application for the environmental authority or PRCP schedule;
(b) if an EIS is submitted under chapter 3 , part 1 for the relevant activity—
(i) the submitted EIS; and
(ii) any EIS assessment report for the submitted EIS;
(c) if the application, proposed PRC plan or amendment application relates to a coordinated project—
(i) any EIS or IAR prepared for the project under the State Development Act , part 4 ; and
(ii) any report under the State Development Act , section 34D evaluating an EIS for the project;
(d) for a site-specific application for a mining activity relating to a mining lease—the proposed PRC plan for the application.

"application notice" , for chapter 5 , part 4 , see section 152 (1) .

"application requirements" ...

"application stage" , for chapter 5 , see section 112 .

"appropriately qualified" —
"Appropriately qualified" , for an entity to whom a power under this Act may be delegated or subdelegated, includes having the qualifications, experience or standing appropriate to exercise the power.
Example of standing—
a person’s classification level in the public service
2 If the power may be delegated or subdelegated by a local government, the following are
"appropriately qualified" entities for the delegation or subdelegation—
(a) the local government’s mayor;
(b) a standing committee or a chairperson of a standing committee of the local government;
(c) the local government’s chief executive officer;
(d) an employee of the local government, having the qualifications, experience or standing appropriate to exercise the power.
Example of standing for paragraph (d)—
the employee’s classification level in the local government

"approval" ...

"approved code of practice" ...

"approved form" means a form approved by the administering executive.

"area of cultural heritage significance" includes an area or place of indigenous cultural significance, or aesthetic, architectural, historical, scientific, social or technological significance, to the present generation or past or future generations.

"assessable development" ...

"assessment level decision" , for chapter 5 , part 7 , see section 228 (3) .

"assessment manager" , for a development application, means the person who is the assessment manager under the Planning Act for the application.

"assessment period" ...

"assessment process" means, for assessing and deciding an application, and assessing and approving a proposed PRC plan, for an environmental authority under chapter 5 , the process under chapter 5 , parts 2 to 5 .

"associated entity" , for chapter 7 , part 5 , division 4, see section 369M.

"at" , for chapter 8 , part 3B , see section 440K .

"audible noise" , for chapter 8 , part 3B , see section 440L .

"audit notice" see sections 322 (1) , 322A (1) and 323 (2) .

"audit period" , for a PRCP schedule, see section 285 (1) .

"audit report" , for a PRCP schedule, see section 285 (2) (a) .

"auditor" see section 567 .

"auditor’s certification" see section 389 .

"authorised person" means a person holding office as an authorised person under an appointment under this Act by the chief executive or chief executive officer of a local government.

"background level" , for chapter 8 , part 3B , see section 440K .

"Balance the Earth Trust" ...

"best practice environmental management" , for an activity, see section 21 .

"bilateral agreement" means a bilateral agreement as defined under the Commonwealth Environment Act to which the State is a party.

"boat" means a boat, ship or other vessel of any size or kind, and includes a hovercraft.

"building" includes—
(a) any kind of structure; and
(b) part of a building.

"building work" , for chapter 8 , part 3B , see section 440K .

"business" ...

"business days" does not include a business day that occurs during the period starting on 20 December in a year and ending on 5 January in the following year.

"busway" see the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 , schedule 6 .

"buyer" ...

"carries out" , an agricultural ERA, see section 80 .

"cattle" ...

"certified area" , for a relevant tenure for a resource project, see section 318Z (3) .

"certified rehabilitated area" ...

"change application" means a change application under the Planning Act .

"chapter 3, part 4A environmental authority" ...

"chapter 3, part 4 environmental authority" ...

"chapter 4 activity" ...

"chapter 5A activity" ...

"chapter 5A activity project" ...

"chief executive officer" ...

"class 1, 2 or 3 environmental offence" ...

"clean-up notice" ...

"coal seam gas" means petroleum, in any state, occurring naturally in association with coal or oil shale, or in strata associated with coal or oil shale mining.

"coal seam gas environmental authority" ...

"coal seam gas water" ...

"coastal waters" ...

"code compliance condition" ...

"code compliant application" ...

"code compliant authority" ...

"code of environmental compliance" ...

"code of practice" means a code of practice made by the Minister under section 551 (1) .

"commencement" ...

"comment period" , for chapter 3 , part 1 , see section 39 .

"Commonwealth Environment Act" means the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cwlth) .

"Commonwealth Native Title Act" means the Native Title Act 1993 (Cwlth) .

"compliance permit" ...

"concurrence agency" ...

"conditional surrender" ...

"condition conversion" , for chapter 5 , part 7 , see section 223 .

"conditions" , for an environmental authority or PRCP schedule, includes a condition of the authority or schedule that has ended or ceased to have effect, if the condition imposed an obligation that continues to apply after the authority or schedule has ended or ceased to have effect.

"constituent part" ...

"consultation period" , for chapter 5A , part 1 , see section 317 .

"consumer price index" means the all groups consumer price index for Brisbane published by the Australian Statistician.

"contaminant" see section 11 .

"contaminated land" means land contaminated by a hazardous contaminant.

"contaminated land investigation document" , for relevant land, for chapter 7 , part 8 , division 3 , see section 387 .

"contaminated land register" means the register kept by the administering authority under section 540A (1) (d) (ii) .

"contamination" see section 10 .

"contamination incident" see section 360 .

"continuation" , for an original offence under a program notice, includes the happening again of the offence because of a relevant event of the same type stated in the notice.

"continuing chapter 4 activity" ...

"contravention" ...

"conversion application" ...

"conviction" includes a plea of guilty or a finding of guilt by a court even though a conviction is not recorded.

"coordinated project" means a project declared under the State Development Act , section 26 , to be a coordinated project.

"Coordinator-General’s conditions" , for chapter 5 , see section 205 (2) .

"Coordinator-General’s report" , for a coordinated project, means the Coordinator-General’s report under the State Development Act , section 34D or 34L evaluating the EIS or IAR for the project.

"correction" ...

"corresponding law" means under a law of the Commonwealth or another State that provides for the same or similar matters as this Act.

"cost recovery notice" see section 369J.

"Court" means the Planning and Environment Court.

"criminal history" , for a person, for chapter 9 , part 5A , see section 484B .

"CSG activity" means a petroleum activity involving exploring for or producing coal seam gas.

"CSG evaporation dam" means an impoundment, enclosure or structure designed to be used to hold CSG water for evaporation.

"CSG water" means underground water brought to the surface of the earth or moved underground in connection with exploring for or producing coal seam gas.

"current objection" ...

"dangerous goods code" means the ‘Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail’ prepared by the Office of Federal Road Safety and published by the Commonwealth.

"de-amalgamation application" , for chapter 5 , part 8 , see section 243 .

"deciding" ...

"decision-making period" , for a development application, means the period allowed under the development assessment rules under the Planning Act for the assessment manager to decide the application.

"decision stage" , for chapter 5 , see section 112 .

"deposit" ...

"deposits" , for chapter 8 , part 3C , see section 440ZE .

"designated precinct" , in a strategic environmental area, see the Regional Planning Interests Regulation 2014 , schedule 2 , section 15 (3) .

"designated urban area" ...

"development" see the Planning Act , schedule 2 .

"development application" means an application for a development approval.

"development approval" means development approval as defined under the Planning Act .

"development condition" —
"Development condition" , of a development approval, means a condition of the approval imposed by, or because of a requirement of—
(a) the administering authority as the assessment manager or a referral agency for the application for the approval; or
(b) the planning chief executive as the assessment manager or a referral agency for the application for the approval, if the planning chief executive nominates the administering authority as the enforcement authority under the Planning Act for the development to which the condition relates.
2 The term includes a reference to a condition referred to in the State Development Act , section 39 (1) .
3 To remove any doubt, it is declared that if a condition mentioned in paragraph 1 was imposed on a development approval because the approval related to an environmentally relevant activity, the condition does not stop being a development condition only because the activity stops being an environmentally relevant activity.

"development offence" ...

"development permit" means a development permit as defined under the Planning Act .

"direction notice" ...

"disclosure exemption" ...

"disposal permit" ...

"disqualifying event" means—
(a) a conviction for an environmental offence; or
(b) the cancellation or suspension of—
(i) an environmental authority; or
(ii) a registration of a suitable operator under chapter 5A , part 4 ; or
(iii) an authority, instrument, licence or permit, however called, similar to an environmental authority or a registration of a suitable operator under a corresponding law; or
(c) an event prescribed under a regulation to be a disqualifying event.

"dissatisfied person" see section 520 .

"draft environmental authority" , for an application for an environmental authority, means the draft environmental authority prepared by the administering authority under section 181 (2) (b) (i) .

"draft terms of reference" , for an EIS, see section 39 .

"duty to restore the environment" see section 319C.

"EA application" , for chapter 3 , part 3 , see section 73 (2) .

"earth" , for chapter 8 , part 3C , see section 440ZD .

"ecologically sustainable development" see section 3 .

"educational institution" , for chapter 8 , part 3B , see section 440K .

"EIS" means an environmental impact statement.

"EIS amendment notice" see section 66 (3) .

"EIS assessment report" see section 57 (2) .

"EIS decision" ...

"EIS notice" see section 51 (2) (a) .

"EIS process" , for an EIS, means the process under chapter 3 , part 1 .

"EIS requirement" , for an application, means that an EIS has been required under this Act for the application.

"eligible ERA" , for chapter 5 , see section 112 .

"eligibility criteria" , for an environmentally relevant activity, see section 112 .

"emergency" see section 466B .

"emergency direction" see section 467 (1) (a) .

"emergency powers" see section 467 (6) .

"emergency situation" , for chapter 5 , part 14A , see section 316GA .

"EMOS" ...

"EMOS amendment notice" ...

"EMOS assessment report" ...

"EM plan assessment report" ...

"EMP submission" ...

"enforceable undertaking" see section 507 (1) .

"enforcement ground" , for an environmental enforcement order, for chapter 7, part 5, see section 359.

"enforcement order" ...

"engaging" in conduct includes failing to engage in conduct.

"enhanced petroleum recovery" see the GHG storage Act , schedule 2.

"enter" , a place, includes re-enter the place.

"entry order" , for chapter 12 , part 4 , see section 575 (2) .

"environment" see section 8 .

"environmental audit" , for chapter 7 , part 2 , see sections 322 (1) (a) , 322A (1) (a) and 323 (2) (a) .

"environmental authority" means—
(a) generally—
(i) an environmental authority issued under section 195 that approves an environmentally relevant activity applied for in an application; or
(ii) if a replacement environmental authority is issued for an environmental authority—the replacement environmental authority; or
(b) for chapter 5 , part 14 , division 3 , see section 316A .

"environmental authority (chapter 5A activities)" ...

"environmental authority (exploration)" ...

"environmental authority (mineral development)" ...

"environmental authority (mining activities)" ...

"environmental authority (mining claim)" ...

"environmental authority (mining lease)" ...

"environmental authority (petroleum activities)" ...

"environmental authority (prospecting)" ...

"environmental enforcement order" see section 362.

"environmental evaluation" means an environmental audit or investigation.

"environmental harm" see section 14 .

"environmental investigation" see section 326B (2) (a) or 326BA (2) .

"environmentally relevant activity" see section 18 .

"environmental management document" ...

"environmental management plan" ...

"environmental management program" ...

"environmental management register" means the register kept by the administering authority under section 540A (1) (c) (i) .

"environmental nuisance" see section 15 .

"environmental offence" means—
(a) an offence against any of the following provisions—
†¢ section 260
†¢ section 295 (3)
†¢ section 319(2)
†¢ section 319C(3)
• chapter 7 , part 2
†¢ section 357 (5)
†¢ section 357I
†¢ section 369A
• chapter 8 ; or
(b) an offence against a corresponding law, if the act or omission that constitutes the offence would, if it happens in the State, be an offence against a provision mentioned in paragraph (a) .

"environmental offset" see the Environmental Offsets Act 2014 , schedule 2 .

"environmental offset condition" , for chapter 5 , part 5 , division 6 , see section 207 (1) (c) .

"environmental offset trust" ...

"environmental protection commitment" ...

"environmental protection order"

"environmental protection policy" means an environmental protection policy approved under chapter 2 .

"environmental record" , of a person, means the person’s record of complying with a law of the Commonwealth or the State about the protection of the environment or the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources.

"environmental report" means a report on an environmental evaluation.

"environmental requirement" means—
(a) an environmental authority; or
(b) a transitional environmental program; or
(c) an environmental enforcement order issued under section 362(2)(a); or
(d) a site management plan; or
(e) a PRCP schedule; or
(f) a condition of an environmental authority or PRCP schedule that has ended or ceased to have effect, if the condition—
(i) continues to apply after the authority or schedule has ended or ceased to have effect; and
(ii) has not been complied with.
See section 207 (3) and definition
"conditions" .

"environmental standard" means—
(a) an environmental standard (however called) set out, or otherwise provided for, in a regulation under this Act; or
(b) an outcome or objective that is directed at protecting or enhancing environmental values set out in an environmental protection policy.

"environmental value" see section 9 .

"EPA assurance" see section 316A .

"EPA Minister" means the Minister for the time being administering this Act.

"EPP requirement" ...

"ERA project" see section 112 .

"ERA standard" , for chapter 5A , part 1 , see section 317 .

"ERC decision" see section 296 .

"ERC period" see section 296 .

"ERMP" ...

"ERMP content requirements" ...

"ERMP direction" ...

"estimated rehabilitation cost" , for a resource activity, see section 300 (2) .

"executive officer" , of a corporation, means—
(a) if the corporation is the Commonwealth or a State—a chief executive of a department of government or a person who is concerned with, or takes part in, the management of a department of government, whatever the person’s position is called; or
(b) if the corporation is a local government—
(i) the chief executive officer of the local government; or
(ii) a person who is concerned with, or takes part in, the local government’s management, whatever the person’s position is called; or
(c) if paragraphs (a) and (b) do not apply—a person who is—
(i) a member of the governing body of the corporation; or
(ii) concerned with, or takes part in, the corporation’s management;
whatever the person’s position is called and whether or not the person is a director of the corporation.

"exempted material" ...

"existing environmental authority" , for chapter 5 , part 8 , see section 243 .

"existing ERA" , in relation to an emergency situation, for chapter 5 , part 14A , see section 316GA .

"existing holder" , of an environmental authority, for chapter 5 , part 9 , see section 252 .

"exploration permit" means—
(a) an exploration permit under the Mineral Resources Act ; or
(b) a former exploration permit under the Mineral Resources Act continued in effect under section 148 of that Act.

"fee" includes tax.

"final rehabilitation report" means a final rehabilitation report prepared under chapter 5 , part 10 , division 3 .

"final terms of reference" , for chapter 3 , part 1 , see section 39 .

"financial assurance" , for an environmental authority for a prescribed ERA, means a financial assurance given for the authority under chapter 5 , part 14 , division 2 .

"financial assurance guideline" means a guideline made by the chief executive under section 550 (1) (a) about information mentioned in section 309 (3) (b) or 312 (2) (d) .

"financial interest" , for chapter 7 , part 5 , division 4, see section 369M.

"FRR amendment notice" ...

"FRR assessment report" ...

"general environmental duty" see section 319 .

"Geothermal Act" means the Geothermal Energy Act 2010 .

"geothermal activities" ...

"geothermal activity" see section 108 .

"geothermal tenure" means any of the following under the Geothermal Act —
(a) a geothermal permit;
(b) a geothermal lease;
(c) another approval under the Geothermal Act which grants rights over land.

"GHG" means greenhouse gas.

"GHG permit" means a GHG permit under the GHG storage Act .

"GHG residual risks requirement" ...

"GHG storage Act" means the Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2009 .

"GHG storage activity" see section 109 .

"GHG storage tenure" means any of the following under the GHG storage Act —
(a) a GHG exploration permit (also called a GHG permit);
(b) a GHG injection and storage lease (also called a GHG lease);
(c) a GHG injection and storage data acquisition authority (also called a GHG data acquisition authority);
(d) another approval under the GHG storage Act which grants rights over land.

"GHG stream" see the GHG storage Act , section 12.

"GHG well" means a well that is, or has been, a GHG well under the GHG storage Act .

"give advice" , for chapter 4A , part 4 , see section 83 .

"Great Artesian Basin" see the GHG storage Act , schedule 2.

"Great Barrier Reef catchment" see section 75 (1) .

"Great Barrier Reef catchment waters" see section 112 .

"Great Barrier Reef water quality offset condition" see section 87 (3) .

"Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area" means the area listed as the Great Barrier Reef on the World Heritage List kept under the Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage done at Paris on 23 November 1972, as amended and in force for Australia from time to time.

"greenhouse gas storage activities" ...

"harmful substance" ...

"hazardous contaminant" means a contaminant, other than an item of explosive ordnance, that, if improperly treated, stored, disposed of or otherwise managed, is likely to cause serious or material environmental harm because of—
(a) its quantity, concentration, acute or chronic toxic effects, carcinogenicity, teratogenicity, mutagenicity, corrosiveness, explosiveness, radioactivity or flammability; or
(b) its physical, chemical or infectious characteristics.

"high risk company" , for chapter 7 , part 5 , division 4, see section 369M.

"holder" —
1 The
"holder" of a transitional environmental program is—
(a) the person or public authority to whom the transitional environmental program was issued; or
(b) if the transitional environmental program relates to an environmental authority—the holder of the environmental authority.
2 The
"holder" of an environmental authority for a prescribed ERA is—
(a) the person who made an application for the authority; or
(b) if a transfer application for the authority has been approved under chapter 5 , part 9 —the person to whom the transferred environmental authority has been issued.
3 The
"holder" of an environmental authority or PRC plan for a resource activity is the holder of the relevant tenure.
4 The
"holder" of a resource tenure is the holder of the tenure under resource legislation.
4A However, if a resource tenure for which a holder has an environmental authority or PRCP schedule ends, the person who was the holder of the tenure under resource legislation immediately before it ended continues to be the holder of the environmental authority or PRCP schedule.
5 The
"holder" of a temporary emissions licence is the holder of the environmental authority to which the temporary emissions licence relates.
6 However, if a holder of an environmental authority under paragraph 1 or 2 dies, that person’s personal representative becomes the holder.

"holding company" see the Corporations Act , section 9 .

"hovercraft" means a vehicle designed to be supported on cushion of air.

"IAR" means an IAR under the State Development Act .

"identity card" , of an authorised person, means the identity card issued to the authorised person under section 448 .

"IEMS submission" ...

"inclusion request" see section 379B (1) .

"indoor venue" , for chapter 8 , part 3B , see section 440K .

"ineligible ERA" see section 112 .

"information notice" , about a decision, means a written notice stating—
(a) the decision; and
(b) if the decision is a decision other than to impose a condition on an environmental authority, the reasons for the decision; and
(c) the review or appeal details.

"information request" , for chapter 5 , see section 140 (1) .

"information request period" , for chapter 5 , see section 144 .

"information response period" , for chapter 5 , see section 141 (1) .

"information stage" , for chapter 5 , see section 112 .

"infringement notice" ...

"infringement notice offence" ...

"integrated authority" ...

"integrated authority application" ...

"integrated environmental management system" , for an environmentally relevant activity or activities, means a system for the management of the environmental impacts of the carrying out of the activity or activities.

"Integrated Planning Act" ...

"interest" , for chapter 7 , part 5 , division 4, see section 369M.

"interested party" ...

"interested person" , for chapter 3 , part 1 , see section 39 .

"Intergovernmental Agreement on the Environment" means the agreement made on 1 May 1992 between the Commonwealth, the States, the Australian Capital Territory, the Northern Territory and the Australian Local Government Association.
A copy of the Intergovernmental Agreement on the Environment is in the National Environment Protection Council (Queensland) Act 1994 , schedule .

"interim enforcement order" ...

"interstate environmental authority" ...

"investigation notice" see section 326B (2) or 326BA (2) .

"joint applicants" , for chapter 5 , see section 125 (1) (f) .

"joint application" ...

"LA90, T" , for chapter 8 , part 3B , see section 440K .

"land" includes—
(a) the airspace above land; and
(b) land that is, or is at any time, covered by waters; and
(c) waters.

"level 1 approval" ...

"level 1 approval (with development approval)" ...

"level 1 approval (without development approval)" ...

"level 1 chapter 5A activity" ...

"level 1 environmentally relevant activity" ...

"level 1 mining project" ...

"level 1 petroleum activity" ...

"level 2 approval" ...

"level 2 chapter 4 activity" ...

"level 2 chapter 5A activity" ...

"level 2 environmentally relevant activity" ...

"level 2 mining project" ...

"level 2 petroleum activity" ...

"licence" ...

"licence (with development approval)" ...

"licence (without development approval)" ...

"licensed place" ...

"licensed premises" , for chapter 8 , part 3B , see section 440K .

"light rail" see the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 , schedule 6 .

"litter" ...

"major amendment" , for an environmental authority or PRCP schedule, see section 223 .

"management milestone" , for a non-use management area, see section 112 .

"MARPOL" ...

"material change of use" , of premises, see the Planning Act , schedule 2 .

"material environmental harm" see section 16 .

"matter of national environmental significance" means a matter described in the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cwlth) , chapter 2 , part 3 , division 1 .

"matter of State environmental significance" means a matter prescribed under the Environmental Offsets Act 2014 , section 10 (1) (b) to be a prescribed environmental matter.

"mineral development licence" means—
(a) a mineral development licence under the Mineral Resources Act ; or
(b) a former mineral development licence under the Mineral Resources Act continued in effect under section 215 of that Act.

"Mineral Resources Act" means the Mineral Resources Act 1989 .

"mining activity" see section 110 .

"mining authority" ...

"mining claim" means a mining claim under the Mineral Resources Act .

"mining lease" means a mining lease under the Mineral Resources Act .

"mining project" ...

"mining registrar" ...

"mining tenement" ...

"mining tenure" means—
(a) a prospecting permit; or
(b) a mining claim; or
(c) an exploration permit; or
(d) a mineral development licence; or
(e) a mining lease; or
(f) another approval under the Mineral Resources Act which grants rights over land.

"Minister’s decision" ...

"minor amendment" , for an environmental authority or PRCP schedule, see section 223 .

"minor amendment (PRCP threshold)" , for a PRCP schedule, see section 223 .

"minor amendment (threshold)" , for an environmental authority, see section 223 .

"minor change" , for an application for an environmental authority, see section 131 .

"minor ERC change" , for an application for an ERC decision for a resource activity, for chapter 5 , part 14 , division 1 , subdivision 3 , see section 299A .

"missing information" ...

"mobile and temporary environmentally relevant activity" means a prescribed ERA, other than an activity that is dredging material, extracting rock or other material, or the incinerating of waste—
(a) carried out at various locations using transportable plant or equipment, including a vehicle; and
(b) that does not result in the building of any permanent structures or any physical change of the landform at the locations (other than minor alterations solely necessary for access and setup, including, for example, access ways, footings and temporary storage areas); and
(c) carried out at any one of the locations—
(i) for less than 28 days in a calendar year; or
(ii) for 28 or more days in a calendar year only if the activity is necessarily associated with, and is exclusively used in, the construction or demolition phase of a project.

"MRA department" ...

"MRA Minister" means the Minister for the time being administering the Mineral Resources Act .

"national environmental protection measure" means a national environmental protection measure made under the national scheme laws.

"national scheme laws" means—
(a) the National Environment Protection Council Act 1994 (Cwlth) ; and
(b) the National Environment Protection Council (Queensland) Act 1994 .

"National Strategy for Ecologically Sustainable Development" ...

"natural disaster" does not include an event that can be prevented by human action.

"natural environment" —
(a) means living and non-living things that occur naturally at 1 or more places on Earth; and
(b) does not include amenity or aesthetic, cultural, economic or social conditions.

"new day" , for the anniversary day for an environmental authority, see section 316L (1) .

"new ERA" , in relation to an emergency situation, for chapter 5 , part 14A , see section 316GA .

"NNTT" means the National Native Title Tribunal established under the Commonwealth Native Title Act , part 6 .

"noise" see section 12 .

"noise abatement direction" ...

"noise standard" , for chapter 8 , part 3B , see section 440K .

"nominated section" , for chapter 8 , part 3B , division 2 , see section 440O (2) (b) .

"nominated waterway" ...

"non-coastal waters" ...

"non-code compliant application" ...

"non-code compliant authority" ...

"non-standard application" ...

"non-standard environmental authority (mining activities)" ...

"non-use management area" see section 112 .

"notifiable activity" means an activity in schedule 3 .

"notification stage" , for chapter 5 , see section 112 .

"noxious liquid substance" ...

"objection notice" , for chapter 5 , part 5 , see section 182 (2) .

"objection period" ...

"objections decision" , for chapter 5 , part 5 , division 3 , see section 185 (1) .

"objections decision hearing" , for chapter 5 , part 5 , division 3 , see section 188 (1) .

"objector" , for an application for an environmental authority or PRCP schedule, means an entity—
(a) that gave an objection notice under section 182 (2) ; and
(b) whose objection notice is still current.
For when an objection notice ceases to have effect, see section 182 (4) .

"obstruct" includes hinder, delay, resist and attempt to obstruct.

"occupier" , of a place, includes the person apparently in charge of the place.

"oil" ...

"on-site mitigation measure" ...

"open-air event" , for chapter 8 , part 3B , see section 440K .

"operational land" , for chapter 3 , part 1 , see section 39 .

"optimum amount" ...

"original decision" see section 519 .

"original offence" , for a program notice, see section 351 .

"over-fertilisation" ...

"overlapping area" , for chapter 5 , part 10 , see the Mineral and Energy Resources (Common Provisions) Act 2014 , section 104 .

"overlapping prescribed resource activity" , for chapter 5 , part 10 , see section 268A (1) (b) .

"owner" , of an accreditation program, see section 318YA .

"owner" —
1 The
"owner" of land is—
(a) for freehold land—the person recorded in the freehold land register as the person entitled to the fee simple interest in the land; or
(b) for land held under a lease, licence or permit under an Act—the person who holds the lease, licence or permit; or
(c) for trust land under the Land Act 1994 —the trustees of the land; or
(d) for Aboriginal land under the Aboriginal Land Act 1991 —the persons to whom the land has been transferred or granted; or
(e) for Torres Strait Islander land under the Torres Strait Islander Land Act 1991 —the persons to whom the land has been transferred or granted; or
(f) for land for which there is a native title holder under the Native Title Act 1993 (Cwlth) —each registered native title party in relation to the land.
2 Also, a mortgagee of land is the
"owner" of the land if—
(a) the mortgagee is acting as a mortgagee in possession of the land and has the exclusive management and control of the land; or
(b) the mortgagee, or a person appointed by the mortgagee, is in possession of the land and has the exclusive management and control of the land.

"owner-builder permit" means an owner-builder permit under the Queensland Building and Construction Commission Act 1991 .

"ozone depleting substance" means—
(a) any chlorofluorocarbon or halon; or
(b) another substance prescribed by regulation to be an ozone depleting substance.

"P&G Act" means the Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004 .

"parent corporation" , of another corporation, means a corporation of which the other corporation is a subsidiary under the Corporations Act .

"particles" includes dust and ash.

"passenger declaration" ...

"peak particle velocity" , for chapter 8 , part 3B , see section 440K .

"person" , for chapter 3 , part 1 , see section 39 .

"person" ...

"person in control" , of a vehicle, includes—
(a) the driver of the vehicle; and
(b) the person in command of the vehicle; and
(c) the person who appears to be in control or command of the vehicle.

"petroleum activities" ...

"petroleum activity" see section 111 .

"petroleum authority" ...

"petroleum lease" means a petroleum lease under the P&G Act .

"petroleum legislation" ...

"petroleum project" ...

"petroleum tenure" means—
(a) a 1923 Act petroleum tenure granted under the Petroleum Act 1923 ; or
(b) a petroleum authority granted under the P&G Act ; or
(c) a licence, permit, pipeline licence, primary licence, secondary licence or special prospecting authority granted under the Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 ; or
(d) another approval under the Petroleum Act 1923 , the P&G Act or the Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 which grants rights over land.

"place" , in relation to a contamination incident, see section 358.

"Planning Act" means the Planning Act 2016 .

"planning chief executive" means the chief executive of the department in which the Planning Act is administered.

"plan of operations" see section 289 .

"plan period" , for a plan of operations, see section 292 (1) (c) .

"post-mining land use" see section 112 .

"post-surrender management report" , for land the subject of a surrender application, means a post-surrender management report prepared under chapter 5 , part 10 , division 3 for the land.

"power boat" , for chapter 8 , part 3B , see section 440K .

"PRC plan" see section 112 .

"PRCP schedule" see section 112 .

"preliminary investigation" ...

"premises" includes a building and the land on which a building is situated.

"prescribed condition" see section 21A .

"prescribed ERA" see section 106 .

"prescribed ERA project" see section 112 .

"prescribed person" , for a contamination incident, see section 361.

"prescribed provision" ...

"prescribed resource activity" , for chapter 5 , part 10 , means a resource activity carried out under one of the following—
(a) an authority to prospect under the P&G Act , if the intention of the holder is to explore and test for coal seam gas;
(b) an exploration permit for coal;
(c) a mineral development licence for coal;
(d) a mining lease for coal;
(e) a petroleum lease authorising the production of coal seam gas.

"prescribed responsible person" , for chapter 7 —
1 Each of the following persons is a
"prescribed responsible person" for land—
(a) if a person released a hazardous contaminant contaminating the land—the person;
(b) the relevant local government;
(c) if sub paragraph (a) or (b) does not apply—the owner of the land in relation to whom either of the following applies—
(i) when the owner acquired the land particulars of the land were recorded in the environmental management register or the contaminated land register;
(ii) the land became contaminated after the owner acquired the land.
1A Despite paragraph 1(a), the person is a prescribed responsible person for the land only if—
(a) the person is known; and
(b) the administering authority can, after making reasonable efforts, locate the person.
2 Despite paragraph 1(b), a local government is a prescribed responsible person for land only if—
(a) the administering authority believes—
(i) the land became contaminated because the local government gave approval for the use of, or an activity to be carried out on, the land; and
(ii) in giving the approval, the local government did not comply with the requirements under any Act in relation to the approval; and
(iii) the local government ought to have known that giving the approval would result in the land becoming contaminated; or
(b) both of the following apply—
(i) the local government gave approval for the use of, or an activity on, the land inconsistent with the particulars recorded for the land in the environmental management register or the contaminated land register;
(ii) the use or activity has caused environmental harm.
3 A mortgagee who is the owner of land is not an owner for paragraph 1(c).

"prescribed standard" see section 579C .

"prescribed water contaminant" , for chapter 8 , part 3C , see section 440ZD .

"priority catchment" ...

"production requirement" ...

"program notice" see section 350 .

"progressive certification" see section 318Z (2) .

"progressive certification application" , for chapter 5A , part 6 , see section 318ZC .

"progressive rehabilitation report" ...

"project authority" ...

"properly made amendment application" , for chapter 5 , part 7 , see section 227AAA .

"properly made application" , for chapter 5 , see section 127 .

"properly made objection" ...

"properly made submission" —
(a) for chapter 3 —see section 55 (2) ; or
(b) for chapter 5 —see section 161 (2) .
See also sections 115 (4) (Development application taken to be application for environmental authority in particular circumstances) and 150 (3) (Notification stage does not apply to particular applications).

"proponent" —
(a) for a project, means the person who proposes the project; or
(b) for chapter 3 , part 1 , see section 39 .

"proposed action" —
(a) for chapter 5 , part 11 —see section 280 (1) (a) ; or
(b) for chapter 5A , part 4 , division 2 —see section 318L (1) (a) ; or
(c) for chapter 5A , part 5A , division 6 —see section 318YR (1) ;
(d) for chapter 12 , part 3A , division 4 —see section 574E (2) (a) .

"proposed action decision" —
(a) for chapter 5 , part 11 —see section 282 (2) ; or
(b) for chapter 5A , part 4 , division 2 —see section 318N (2) .

"proposed amendment" —
(a) for an environmental authority or PRCP schedule, for chapter 5, part 6—see section 217(1)(a); or
(b) for a transitional environmental program, for chapter 7, part 3, division 3, subdivision 3—see section 344AE(1)(a).

"proposed amendment notice" —
(a) for chapter 5, part 6—see section 217(1); or
(b) for chapter 7, part 3, division 3, subdivision 3—see section 344AE(1).

"proposed holder" ...

"proposed PRC plan" , for an application, means a PRC plan proposed for land the subject of a mining lease that—
(a) complies with chapter 5 , part 2 , division 3 ; and
(b) either—
(i) accompanies the application; or
(ii) is submitted for the application after the application is made.

"proposed transferee" ...

"prospecting permit" means—
(a) a prospecting permit under the Mineral Resources Act ; or
(b) a former prospecting permit under the Mineral Resources Act continued in effect under section 30 of that Act.

"protocol" see section 579B .

"provisional licence" ...

"public authority" includes the following—
(a) an entity established under an Act;
(b) a government owned corporation;
(c) Queensland Rail Limited ACN 132 181 090.

"public interest consideration" see section 316PA (3) .

"public interest evaluation" see section 112 .

"public notice requirement" ...

"public notice requirements" , for chapter 5 , see section 158 (1) .

"public passenger vehicle" see the Transport Operations (Passenger Transport) Act 1994 , schedule 3 .

"public place" means any place the public is entitled to use or is open to, or used by, the public (whether or not on payment of an admission fee).

"public road" means a road that is open to the public, whether or not on payment of money.

"rail transport infrastructure" see the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 , schedule 6 .

"railway" means a private or public railway or railway facility.
Examples of a railway facility—
railway bridge, railway communications system, railway marshalling station and yard, railway track, works built for a railway

"receiving environment" , in relation to an activity that causes or may cause environmental harm, means the part of the environment to which the harm is, or may be, caused.

"recipient" means—
(a) for an environmental evaluation—the person on whom the requirement for the evaluation is made; or
(b) for an environmental enforcement order—the person to whom the order is issued; or
(c) for a notice to conduct or commission a site investigation—the person to whom the notice is given; or
(d) for a notice to prepare or commission a site investigation report—the person to whom the notice is given.

"recognised accreditation program" , for an agricultural ERA, see section 318YA .

"recognised entity" means any of the following—
(a) the administering authority;
(b) the department in which the Fisheries Act 1994 or Water Act 2000 is administered;
(c) a local government;
(d) a public authority;
(e) an agency, however called, established under a corresponding law with similar functions to the functions of the chief executive;
(f) a ministerial council established by the Council of Australian Governments;
(g) the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation;
(h) a cooperative research centre completely or partly funded by the Commonwealth;
(i) an Australian university.

"reef" ...

"referral agency" , for a development application, means a referral agency for the application under the Planning Act .

"referral agency’s response period" , for a development application, means the period stated in the development assessment rules for complying with the Planning Act , section 56 (4) for the application.

"refusal period" ...

"register" means a register kept under section 540 or 540A .

"registered operator" ...

"registered suitable operator" means a person whose name and address is entered in the register of suitable operators under section 318I (1) (b) .

"registrar" ...

"registrar of titles" means the registrar of titles or another person responsible for keeping a register in relation to dealings in land.

"registration Act" see the State Penalties Enforcement Act 1999 , schedule 2 .

"registration certificate" ...

"regulatory function" , for chapter 12 , part 3 , see section 564 .

"regulatory requirement" means a requirement under an environmental protection policy or a regulation for—
(a) the administering authority to—
(i) approve or refuse, or follow stated procedures for evaluating, any of the following applications—
(A) an application for an environmental authority and any proposed PRCP schedule for the application;
(B) an amendment application or surrender application for an environmental authority or an amendment application for a PRCP schedule;
(C) a progressive certification application under chapter 5A , part 6 ;
(D) an application for the issue of a transitional environmental program; or
(ii) impose or amend a condition of an environmental authority, PRCP schedule or transitional environmental program; or
(b) the chief executive to decide whether to—
(i) allow a draft terms of reference to proceed to public notification under section 41A ; or
(ii) allow a submitted EIS to proceed under section 49 or 56A ; or
(c) the Land Court to make an objections decision under section 191 .

"rehabilitation auditor" , for chapter 5 , part 12 , division 2 , means a person who meets the requirements mentioned in section 288 (1) .

"rehabilitation commissioner" means the rehabilitation commissioner appointed under section 444A .

"rehabilitation direction" see section 274 (2) .

"rehabilitation milestone" see section 112 .

"rehabilitation planning part" , of a PRC plan, see section 126C (2) .

"related person" , for chapter 7 , part 5 , see section 369N.

"release" , of a contaminant into the environment, includes—
(a) to deposit, discharge, emit or disturb the contaminant; and
(b) to cause or allow the contaminant to be deposited, discharged, emitted or disturbed; and
(c) to fail to prevent the contaminant from being deposited, discharged, emitted or disturbed; and
(d) to allow the contaminant to escape; and
(e) to fail to prevent the contaminant from escaping.

"relevant activity" —
(a) for an environmental authority, means the environmentally relevant activity the subject of the authority; or
(b) for an application for an environmental authority—means the environmentally relevant activity the subject of the application; or
(c) for a proposed PRC plan or PRC plan— means the relevant activities to be carried out on land the subject of the plan; or
(d) in relation to a company, for chapter 7 , part 5 , division 4, see section 369M.

"relevant agricultural property" ...

"relevant area" ...

"relevant chapter 5A activity" ...

"relevant CSG activity" ...

"relevant entity" for chapter 11 , part 4 , see section 541 (1) .

"relevant ERA" , for chapter 5 , part 14A , see section 316GA .

"relevant event" , for a program notice, see section 350 (1) .

"relevant existing authority" , for chapter 5A , part 1 , see section 317 .

"relevant industrial chemical" see the Industrial Chemicals Environmental Management (Register) Act 2021 (Cwlth) , section 7 .

"relevant land" , for chapter 7 , part 8 , see section 370 .

"relevant land register" , for chapter 7 , part 8 , see section 370 .

"relevant lease" ...

"relevant local government" , for land, means the local government for the local government area where the land is situated.

"relevant matter" , for chapter 7, part 5, see section 358.

"relevant matters" , for an environmental evaluation, means the matters to be addressed by the evaluation.

"relevant mining activity" , for—
(a) an environmental authority for a mining activity—means the mining activity the subject of the authority; or
(b) an application for an environmental authority for a mining activity—means the mining activity the subject of the application; or
(c) a proposed PRC plan or PRC plan—means the mining activity to be carried out on land the subject of the plan.

"relevant mining lease" , for an environmental authority, an application for an environmental authority, a proposed PRC plan or PRC plan for a mining activity, means a mining lease, or proposed mining lease, to which a relevant mining activity relates.

"relevant mining tenement" ...

"relevant mining tenure" , for an environmental authority, an application for an environmental authority, a proposed PRC plan or PRC plan for a mining activity, means a mining tenure, or proposed mining tenure, to which a relevant mining activity relates.

"relevant petroleum activity" ...

"relevant petroleum authority" ...

"relevant place" ...

"relevant primary documents" ...

"relevant resource activity" , for—
(a) an environmental authority for a resource activity—means a resource activity the subject of the authority; or
(b) an application for an environmental authority for a resource activity—means a resource activity the subject of the application; or
(c) a proposed PRC plan or PRC plan— means the relevant activities to be carried out on land the subject of the plan.

"relevant resource authority" ...

"relevant standard environmental conditions" ...

"relevant tenure" , for an environmental authority, an application for an environmental authority, a proposed PRC plan or PRC plan for a resource activity, means—
(a) a resource tenure to which a relevant resource activity relates; or
(b) a proposed resource tenure to which a relevant resource activity relates.

"remediate" , contaminated land, means—
(a) rehabilitate the land; or
(b) restore the land; or
(c) take other action to prevent or minimise serious environmental harm being caused by the hazardous contaminant contaminating the land.

"remediation notice" ...

"replacement environmental authority" , for an environmental authority, means—
(a) if a new environmental authority is issued for the environmentally relevant activity the subject of the authority—the new environmental authority; or
(b) if the authority is amended—the amended environmental authority issued under section 242 (1) (b) ; or
(c) if a transfer application for the authority is approved—the transferred environmental authority issued under section 255 (1) (b) ; or
(d) if an amalgamation application for the authority is approved—the amalgamated environmental authority issued under section 248 (b) ; or
(e) if the administering authority de-amalgamates an environmental authority under section 250C —each of the de-amalgamated environmental authorities issued under section 250C (1) (c) .

"representative" ...

"residential complex" ...

"residual risk assessment guideline" means a guideline called ‘The Residual Risk Assessment Guideline’—
(a) prepared by the chief executive; and
(b) published—
(i) on the administering authority’s website; and
(ii) in other publicly available ways the administering authority considers appropriate.

"residual risks" , of land, means either or both of the following to the extent it relates to resource activities carried out on the land—
(a) the risk that, although the land has been rehabilitated and appropriately managed, remedial action will need to be carried out in relation to the land in the foreseeable future;
(b) the risk that ongoing management activities will need to be carried out in relation to the land, including—
(i) monitoring the condition of the land or site features of the land; and
(ii) taking action to prevent or minimise environmental harm caused by the land or site features of the land.
Examples of ongoing management activities—
• maintaining fences to ensure the safety of steep slopes or to prevent access to contaminated areas
• providing a pump-back system to manage the discharge of contaminants
• continuing a monitoring and verification plan under the GHG storage Act to ensure GHG stream storage under that Act is taking place as predicted

"residual risks requirement" , for chapter 5 , part 10 , division 6 —see section 271 (3) .

"resource activity" see section 107 .

"resource activity EEO" means an environmental enforcement order that imposes a requirement related to the carrying out of a resource activity.

"resource activity EPO" ...

"resource legislation" means any of the following Acts—
(a) the Geothermal Act ;
(b) the GHG storage Act ;
(c) the Mineral Resources Act ;
(d) the Petroleum Act 1923 ;
(e) the P&G Act ;
(f) the Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 .

"resource project" see section 112 .

"resource tenure" means—
(a) a geothermal tenure; or
(b) a GHG storage tenure; or
(c) a mining tenure; or
(d) a petroleum tenure.

"review date" see section 521 (2) (a) (i) .

"review decision" see section 521 (5) (c) and (6) (c) .

"review or appeal details" , for a notice or order, means a statement in the notice or order as follows—
(a) that a person as follows may apply for a review of, or appeal against, the decision to which the notice or order relates—
(i) the person given the notice or order;
(ii) another dissatisfied person for the original decision to which the notice or order relates;
(b) about whether the person may apply for a review or may appeal against the decision;
(c) about the period or time allowed for making the application for a review or for starting an appeal;
(d) if the person may apply for a review—about how to apply for a review;
(e) if the person may appeal—about how to start an appeal.

"revised (CSG) EM plan" ...

"risk management plan" , for land the subject of a surrender application, means a risk management plan included in a post-surrender management report for the land.

"river basin" , for chapter 4A , see section 75 (2) .

"riverine area" does not include land outside the flood flow channel of a watercourse.

"sanitary convenience" means a urinal, water closet, earth closet, cesspit, cesspool or other receptacle for human waste.

"schedule 8 development" ...

"scheme assurance" , for chapter 5 , part 14 , division 3 , see section 316A .

"scheme fund" means the scheme fund established under the Mineral and Energy Resources (Financial Provisioning) Act 2018 , section 24 .

"scheme manager" means the scheme manager under the Mineral and Energy Resources (Financial Provisioning) Act 2018 .

"security" includes bond, deposit of an amount as security, guarantee, indemnity or other surety, insurance, mortgage and undertaking.

"self-assessable development" ...

"serious environmental harm" see section 17 .

"sewage" ...

"show cause notice" —
(a) for chapter 5A , part 5A , division 6 —see section 318YR (1) ; or
(b) for chapter 7 , part 8 , division 2 , subdivision 2 —see section 375 (1) ; or
(c) for chapter 7 , part 8 , division 2 , subdivision 2 —see section 391 ; or
(d) for chapter 12 , part 3A , division 4 , see section 574E (1) .

"show cause period" , for chapter 5A , part 5A , division 6 , see section 318YR (2) (e) .

"single integrated operation" see section 113 .

"site features" , of land, means each of the following—
(a) surface and subsurface infrastructure on the land related to resource activities;
(b) other structures on the land related to resource activities;
(c) modifications of the land related to resource activities carried out on the land.
Examples of modifications of land—
tailings storage facilities, voids, waste rock dumps

"site investigation report" , for relevant land, for chapter 7 , part 8 , see section 370 .

"site management plan" , for relevant land, see section 370 .

"site-specific application" , for chapter 5 , see section 124 .

"site suitability statement" , for relevant land, for chapter 7 , part 8 , see section 389 (2) (b) .

"small scale mining activity" means a mining activity that—
(a) is carried out under a mining claim, for corundum, gemstones or other precious stones, the area of which is not more than 20ha, and that—
(i) does not, or will not, at any time cause more than 5ha of land to be significantly disturbed; and
(ii) is not, or will not be, carried out in a designated precinct in a strategic environmental area; and
(iii) is not, or will not be, carried out in a watercourse or riverine area; and
(iv) is not, or will not be, carried out in or within 1km of an area that, under a regulation, is a category A environmentally sensitive area; and
(v) is not, or will not be, carried out in or within 500m of an area that, under a regulation, is a category B environmentally sensitive area; and
(vi) is not, or will not be, carried out in an area prescribed under a regulation as a designated environmental area for this definition; and
(vii) is not, or will not be, carried out as part of a petroleum activity or a prescribed ERA for which there is an aggregate environmental score prescribed under a regulation; and
(viii) is not, or will not be, carried out by more than 20 persons at any one time; and
(ix) does not, or will not, at any time cause more than 5,000m 2 of land to be disturbed at a camp site; or
(b) is carried out under an exploration permit, for minerals other than coal, the area of which is not more than 4 sub-blocks and that—
(i) is not, or will not be, carried out in a designated precinct in a strategic environmental area; and
(ii) is not, or will not be, carried out in a watercourse or riverine area; and
(iii) is not, or will not be, carried out in or within 1km of an area that, under a regulation, is a category A environmentally sensitive area; and
(iv) is not, or will not be, carried out in or within 500m of an area that, under a regulation, is a category B environmentally sensitive area; and
(v) is not, or will not be, carried out in an area prescribed under a regulation as a designated environmental area for this definition; and
(vi) is not, or will not be, carried out as part of a petroleum activity or a prescribed ERA for which there is an aggregate environmental score prescribed under a regulation; and
(vii) does not, or will not, at any time cause more than 1,000m 2 of land to be disturbed; or
(c) is carried out under a prospecting permit.

"small scale mining tenure" see section 21A (2) .

"specified works" ...

"spent conviction" , for chapter 9 , part 5A , see section 484B .

"stable condition" see section 111A .

"standard application" , for chapter 5 , see section 122 .

"standard conditions" —
(a) for an environmental authority or application for an environmental authority for an environmentally relevant activity—means the conditions applying for the activity under an ERA standard; or
(b) for a person carrying out an agricultural ERA—means the conditions applying for the agricultural ERA under an agricultural ERA standard.

"standard criteria" means—
(a) the following principles of environmental policy as set out in the Intergovernmental Agreement on the Environment—
(i) the precautionary principle;
(ii) intergenerational equity;
(iii) conservation of biological diversity and ecological integrity; and
(b) any Commonwealth or State government plans, standards, agreements or requirements about environmental protection or ecologically sustainable development; and
(d) any relevant environmental impact study, assessment or report; and
(e) the character, resilience and values of the receiving environment; and
(f) all submissions made by the applicant and submitters; and
(g) the best practice environmental management for activities under any relevant instrument, or proposed instrument, as follows—
(i) an environmental authority;
(ii) a transitional environmental program;
(iii) an environmental enforcement order;
(iv) a disposal permit;
(v) a development approval; and
(h) the financial implications of the requirements under an instrument, or proposed instrument, mentioned in paragraph (g) as they would relate to the type of activity or industry carried out, or proposed to be carried out, under the instrument; and
(i) the public interest; and
(j) any relevant site management plan; and
(k) any relevant integrated environmental management system or proposed integrated environmental management system; and
(l) any other matter prescribed under a regulation.

"standard environmental authority (mining activities)" ...

"standard environmental conditions" ...

"standard mining activity" ...

"State-controlled road" means a road or route, or part of a road or route, declared under the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 , section 24 to be a State-controlled road.

"State Development Act" means the State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971 .

"State Development Minister" means the Minister for the time being administering the State Development Act .

"statement of compliance" —
(a) for an environmental authority or draft environmental authority—see section 207 (1) (b) ; or
(b) for a PRCP schedule or proposed PRCP schedule—see section 206A (3) .

"state of mind" , of a person, includes—
(a) the person’s knowledge, intention, opinion, belief or purpose; and
(b) the person’s reasons for the intention, opinion, belief or purpose.

"stormwater" includes a run-off of rainwater from an urban or rural source.

"stormwater drainage" , for chapter 8 , part 3C , see section 440ZD .

"strategic environmental area" means a strategic environmental area under the Regional Planning Interests Act 2014 .

"submission period" —
(a) for chapter 3 , part 1 —see section 39 ; or
(b) for chapter 5 , part 4 —see section 153 (1) (g) .

"submitted EMOS" ...

"submitted EM plan" ...

"submitter" —
(a) for an application or proposed PRC plan, means an entity who makes a properly made submission about the application or plan; or
(b) for chapter 7 , part 8 , division 3 , subdivision 4 , see section 397 .

"sugar cane growing" ...

"suitability report" see section 318S (1) .

"suitability statement" , for land, means a statement about the uses and activities for which the land is suitable.

"suitably qualified person" , for chapter 12 , part 3 , see section 564 .

"surrender application" , for an environmental authority, see section 257 (1) .

"surrender notice" , for an environmental authority, see section 258 (2) .

"suspension application" , for an environmental authority, see section 284A .

"tailored advice" , for chapter 4A , part 4 , see section 84 .

"temporary authority" , for chapter 5 , part 14A , see section 316GC (1) .

"temporary emissions licence" see section 357B (1) .

"TEP submission" ...

"TOR notice" see section 42 (1) .

"transfer application" , for an environmental authority, see section 252 .

"transferred environmental authority" , for chapter 5 , part 9 , see section 255 (1) (b) .

"transfer tenure" , for chapter 5 , part 8 , see section 243 .

"transitional environmental program" means a transitional environmental program issued under chapter 7 , part 3 .

"tribunal" ...

"UDA development approval" ...

"UDA development condition" ...

"ULDA Act" ...

"unamended Act" ...

"unlawful environmental harm" means environmental harm that is unlawful under section 493A .

"validation report" , for chapter 7 , part 8 , see section 370 .

"variation application" , for chapter 5 , see section 123 .

"vehicle" includes a train, boat and an aircraft.

"vehicle littering offence" ...

"waste" see the Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011 , section 8AA .

"waste management works" ...

"watercourse" —
"Watercourse" means a river, creek or stream in which water flows permanently or intermittently—
(a) in a natural channel, whether artificially improved or not; or
(b) in an artificial channel that has changed the course of the watercourse.
"Watercourse" includes the bed and banks and any other element of a river, creek or stream confining or containing water.

"waters" means Queensland waters.

"wild river area" ...

"wild river declaration" ...

"wild river high preservation area" ...

"wild river preservation area" ...

"wild river special floodplain management area" ...

"wilfully" means—
(a) intentionally; or
(b) recklessly; or
(c) with gross negligence.

"Z Peak" , for chapter 8 , part 3B , see section 440K .

"Z Peak Hold" , for chapter 8 , part 3B , see section 440K .

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