The organisation’s rules must also state the following—
(a) that a ballot to decide an election must be a secret postal ballot or another type of secret ballot approved by the registrar under subdivision 3 ;
(b) how the ballot is to be conducted;
(c) that a person (
"eligible member" ) may vote in the ballot only if the person was a financial member of the organisation on a stated day during the period—(i) starting no earlier than 60 days before the opening time for nominations; and(ii) ending no later than 30 days before the opening time;
(d) that the person conducting the ballot must, when nominations for the election close, prepare a list or roll of the eligible members;
(e) the appointment, conduct and functions of scrutineers to represent the candidates in the ballot;
(f) that an eligible member may cast an absentee vote and how the member may cast the vote;
(g) the method of voting and deciding the result of the ballot, by either a first-past-the-post system or a preferential system;
(h) that a candidate or a member of the organisation has the right, up to 30 days after the declaration of the result of the election, free of charge—(i) to inspect the list or roll of persons who may vote in the ballot at the organisation’s registered office when it is open for business; and(ii) to be given a copy of the whole or a requested part of the list or roll.