The registrar may amend an organisation’s rules as follows—
(a) on the registrar’s own initiative, if the registrar considers the rules do not comply with section 623 ;
(b) if, under section 638 , the registrar has cancelled an approval under section 637 and the amendment is to provide that, if a ballot is necessary for an election for an office for the organisation, it must be a secret postal ballot;
(c) to omit a provision declared, under section 646 (3) (a) , to be in contravention of section 623 ;
(d) to amend a provision declared, under section 646 (3) (b) , to contravene section 623 in a stated way so that the provision no longer contravenes section 623 in the stated way;
(e) to give effect to an order under section 696 (2) (b) or 723 (e) ;
(f) to correct a formal or clerical error.