1 wages, allowances or remuneration of persons employed, or to be employed, during ordinary working hours, on overtime, on special work or on public holidays
2 a person’s entitlements under the Queensland Employment Standards, a modern award, a bargaining award or a certified agreement, unless this Act otherwise provides
3 equal remuneration for work of equal or comparable value
4 whether piecework will be allowed
5 whether employees are to be given particular leave on full pay
6 whether and on what conditions employees may board and lodge with their employers, including where it is necessary for employers to provide the board and lodging at a reasonable standard, where it would be impractical not to
7 whether monetary allowances will be paid by employers to employees for standing back or waiting time caused—(a) by the conditions of the employer’s calling; or(b) by the intermittent nature of industrial operations; or(c) otherwise
8 the length of notice to be given by an employer or employee to the other before terminating employment, and wages to be paid or deducted instead of notice
9 occupational superannuation
10 the hours of work, the time to be worked to entitle employees to a particular wage, allowance, remuneration or price, or what time will be taken to be overtime
11 claims to restrict work before or after particular hours
12 providing for shorter hours, higher wages, or other conditions for persons employed under abnormal conditions or in abnormal workplaces, and deciding what are abnormal conditions or workplaces
13 the age, qualification or status of employees, or the mode and conditions of employment or non-employment, including whether a person should be disqualified for employment
14 employment of young employees or of a person or class of persons, or the disqualification of a person for employment because of age or impairment
15 the number or proportion of aged, impaired or infirm persons or other employees that may be employed by an employer, or the lowest prices or rates payable to them
16 a claim to dismiss or to refuse to employ a particular person or class of person, or whether a particular person or class of person, ought to be continued or reinstated in the employment of a particular employer, considering the public interest, despite common law rights of employers or employees
17 the right to dismiss, or to refuse to employ, reinstate or re-employ a particular person, or class of person, in a particular calling
18 custom or usage about employment conditions, either generally or in a particular calling or locality
19 the interpretation or enforcement of an industrial instrument or a permit, unless this Act otherwise provides
20 the subject matter of an industrial dispute, and a matter that has caused, or the court or commission considers is likely to cause, disagreement or friction between employers and employees
21 what is fair and just, considering the interests of the persons immediately concerned and the community, according to the standard of the average good employer and the average competent and honest employee in all matters relating to the relations of employers and employees, whether or not the relationship of employer and employee exists or existed—(a) at or before the making of a relevant application to the court or commission; or(b) at the making or enforcement of a decision of the court or commission
22 the regulation of relations between employer and employee, or between employees, and to that end the imposition of conditions on—(a) the conduct of a calling; and(b) the provision of benefits to persons engaged in a calling
23 a demarcation dispute
24 the authorised payment by an employer of an employee’s membership fees of an organisation of employees
25 the surveillance of employees in the workplace
26 sexual harassment or sex or gender-based harassment of an employee in the workplace or otherwise in the course of the employee’s employment
27 discrimination in employment, including in remuneration or other employment conditions
28 claims to have protective clothing or appliances, hot or cold water, or sanitary or bathing accommodation provided for the use of employees
29 fixing standards of normal temperatures or atmospheric purity in workplaces, above or below ground
30 balancing work and family responsibilities
31 matters relating to the relationship between employers and organisations