An application for the grant of a mining lease must—
(a) be in the approved form; and
(b) describe all parcels of land the whole or part of which are the subject of the application and state the following for each parcel—(i) the current use of the land;(ii) whether the land is subject to erosion control works;(iii) the names and addresses of the owners of the parcel and any other land to be used to access the parcel; and
(c) identify, in the way prescribed by regulation, the boundaries of the land applied for; and
(d) identify, in the way prescribed by regulation, the boundaries of any surface area of land within the boundaries identified in paragraph (c) to be included in the mining lease and specify the purpose for which that area is to be used; and
(e) identify, in the way prescribed by regulation, the boundaries of any restricted land within the boundaries identified in paragraph (c) ; and
(f) give reasons why the mining lease should be granted in respect of the area and shape of the land described in the application; and
(g) describe and identify, in the way prescribed under a regulation, any land proposed to be used as access from a point outside the boundary of the land applied for acceptable to the chief executive to land over which the lease is sought; and
(h) be accompanied by a sketch, map or other graphic representation acceptable to the chief executive setting out the boundaries of any land referred to in paragraphs (b) , (d) and (g) ; and
(i) nominate the term of the lease sought and give reasons for the term; and
(j) be lodged; and
(k) be accompanied by—(i) a statement, acceptable to the chief executive outlining the mining program proposed, outlining its method of operation, and providing an indication of when operations are expected to start or, if a mining program is not proposed, outlining the use proposed for the land and providing an indication of when the proposed use is to start; and(ii) a statement, acceptable to the chief executive of proposals for infrastructure requirements necessary to enable the mining program to proceed, or additional activities to be carried on to work out the infrastructure requirements; and(iii) the application fee prescribed under a regulation.