A person causes a serious nuisance in a moveable dwelling park if, while in the park, the person causes a serious nuisance to residents of, or anyone else in, the park.
Note—For the power to give directions to persons causing a serious nuisance and remove persons from a moveable dwelling park see the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 , chapter 19 , part 4 .
Examples of serious nuisance—1 A person assaults a resident or someone else.2 A person uses threatening or abusive language towards a resident or someone else.3 A person behaves in a riotous, violent, disorderly, indecent, offensive or threatening way towards a resident or someone else.4 A person causes substantial, unreasonable annoyance to a resident or someone else.5 A person causes substantial, unreasonable disruption to the privacy of a resident or someone else.6 A person wilfully damages property of a resident or someone else.