(1) WorkCover’s statement of corporate intent must include the following additional matters—(a) an outline of WorkCover’s objectives;(b) an outline of the nature and scope of the activities proposed to be undertaken by WorkCover during the relevant financial year;(c) an outline of WorkCover’s main undertakings during the relevant financial year;(d) WorkCover’s capital structure and payments to the consolidated fund under section 460 ;(e) an outline of the borrowings made, and proposed to be made, by WorkCover;(f) an outline of the policies adopted by WorkCover to minimise and manage any risk of investments and borrowings that may adversely affect its financial stability;(g) an outline of WorkCover’s policies and procedures relating to the acquisition and disposal of major assets;(h) WorkCover’s accounting policies that apply to the preparation of its accounts;(i) the type of information to be given to the Minister, including information to be given in quarterly and annual reports.
(2) The Minister may exempt WorkCover from including any matter, or any aspect of a matter, mentioned in subsection (1) in the statement of corporate intent.
(3) Subsection (1) does not limit the matters that may be included in a statement of corporate intent.