Queensland Consolidated Regulations

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4 Definitions

(1) In these Regulations—

"ABN" has the same meaning as in section 41 of the A New Tax System (Australian Business Number) Act 1999 of the Commonwealth;

"actively working towards" a qualification—see regulation 10;

"approved certificate III level education and care qualification" means—
(a) a qualification for the education and care of children generally or children of a specified age that is approved by the National Authority and included in the list of approved certificate III level education and care qualifications published under regulation 137; or
(b) a qualification included in the list of approved diploma level education and care qualifications or approved early childhood teaching qualifications published under regulation 137;

"approved diploma level education and care qualification" means—
(a) a qualification for the education and care of children generally or children of a specified age that is approved by the National Authority and included in the list of approved diploma level education and care qualifications published under regulation 137; or
(b) a qualification included in the list of approved early childhood teaching qualifications published under regulation 137;

"approved early childhood teaching qualification" means a qualification for the education and care of children generally or children of a specified age that is approved by the National Authority and included in the list of approved early childhood teaching qualifications published under regulation 137;

"approved education and care qualification" , in regulations 126A, 135 and 324, means—
(a) an approved certificate III level education and care qualification; or
(b) an approved diploma level education and care qualification; or
(c) an approved early childhood teaching qualification;

"approved number of places" , in relation to a centre-based service, means the maximum number of children who can be educated and cared for by the service at any one time, stated on the service approval under section 52 (g) of the Law;

"bankruptcy declaration" means a declaration made by an individual about any proceeding in bankruptcy brought against the individual including—
(a) whether any actions have been taken against the individual under Part IV of the Bankruptcy Act 1966 of the Commonwealth; and
(b) whether the individual has made any debt agreement under Part IX of the Bankruptcy Act 1966 of the Commonwealth; and
(c) whether the individual has made any personal insolvency agreement under Part X of the Bankruptcy Act 1966 of the Commonwealth;

"building law" means a law generally regulating building construction and demolition;

"building permit" means a permit or consent to carry out building work issued under a building law or planning and development law of a participating jurisdiction;

"building practitioner" means—
(a) a person who is registered as a building surveyor, building inspector or draftsperson under a law of a participating jurisdiction; or
(b) a person who is registered as an architect under a law of a participating jurisdiction; or
(c) a person who is licensed as a surveyor under a law of a participating jurisdiction; or
(d) a person who is licensed or registered as a building certifier under a law of a participating jurisdiction; or
(e) a person who is accredited under a law of a participating jurisdiction to design buildings that will be used to provide education and care services;

"centre-based service" means an education and care service other than a family day care service;

"certificate of final inspection" means a certificate issued on completion of building work by a building practitioner under a building law or planning and development law of a participating jurisdiction;

"child over preschool age" means a child who—
(a) is enrolled or registered at a school; and
(b) attends, or in the current calendar year will attend, school in the year before grade 1 or in grade 1 or a higher grade;

"child preschool age or under" means a child under the age of 7 years who is not a child over preschool age;

"criminal history record check" means a full disclosure Australia-wide criminal history record check, issued by a police force or other authority of a State or Territory or the Commonwealth;

"criminal history statement" means a statement made by an individual that—
(a) states whether the individual has been convicted in Australia of any offences relevant to a person seeking to work with children; and
(b) includes details of those convictions;

"diagnosed as at risk of anaphylaxis" , in relation to a child, means a child who has been diagnosed by a registered medical practitioner as at risk of anaphylaxis;

"disciplinary proceedings statement" means a statement made by an individual that states—
(a) whether the individual is or has been subject to a formal disciplinary proceeding or action under an education law of a participating jurisdiction (other than a proceeding or action that was unsuccessful or was withdrawn); and
(b) the outcome of the proceeding or action (if known);

"early childhood teacher" means a person with an approved early childhood teaching qualification;

"educational program" means a program referred to in section 168 of the Law;

"emergency" , in relation to an education and care service, means an incident, situation or event where there is an imminent or severe risk to the health, safety or wellbeing of a person at the education and care service;
1 Flood.
2 Fire.
3 A situation that requires the education and care service premises to be locked down.

"excursion" means an outing organised by an education and care service or family day care educator, but does not include an outing organised by an education and care service provided on a school site if—
(a) the child or children leave the education and care service premises in the company of an educator; and
(b) the child or children do not leave the school site;

"family assistance law" has the same meaning as it has in the A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act 1999 of the Commonwealth;

"family day care educator assistant" means a person engaged by or registered with a family day care service to assist family day care educators;

"financial declaration" means a declaration made by a person who is not an individual indicating whether the person is or has been declared insolvent or is or has been placed under external administration;

"in attendance" , at a centre-based service, in relation to an early childhood teacher or a suitably qualified person—see regulation 11;

"infectious disease" , in relation to a participating jurisdiction, means an infectious disease that is designated under a law of that jurisdiction or by a health authority (however described) as a disease that would require a person with the disease to be excluded from an education and care service;

"medication" means medicine within the meaning of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 of the Commonwealth;

"multi-storey building" means a building with more than 2 storeys;

"occupancy permit" means a certificate or permit issued under a building law or planning and development law of a participating jurisdiction that permits a building to be occupied;

"overseas criminal history statement" means a statement made by an individual that—
(a) states whether the individual has been convicted outside Australia of any offences relevant to a person seeking to work with children; and
(b) includes details of those convictions;

"planning and development law" means a law generally regulating the planning of the use and development of land;

"planning permit" means a permit, approval or consent in respect of the use or development of any land granted under a building law or a planning and development law of a participating jurisdiction;

"previous service statement" means a statement made by an individual that states—
(a) whether or not the individual has held any role with an education and care service or a children’s service in the previous 3 years; and
(b) includes the following details for each role—
(i) the name of the service; and
(ii) the State or Territory in which the service was located; and
(iii) the nature of the role;

"registered medical practitioner" means a person registered under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law to practise in the medical profession (other than as a student);

"regular outing" , in relation to an education and care service, means a walk, drive or trip to and from a destination—
(a) that the service visits regularly as part of its educational program; and
(b) where the circumstances relevant to the risk assessment are substantially the same on each outing;

"regular transportation" , in relation to an education and care service, means the transportation by the service or arranged by the service (other than as part of an excursion) of a child being educated and cared for by the service, where the circumstances relevant to a risk assessment are substantially the same for each occasion on which the child is transported;

"renovate" , in relation to premises, means—
(a) construction, demolition, removal or relocation of a building or other fixed structure (or part of a building or other fixed structure); or
(b) carrying out structural alterations on a building or other fixed structure;

"responsible person" , in relation to an education and care service, means a person referred to in section 162 (1)(a) to (c) of the Law;

"safety screening clearance" ...

"scheme commencement day" means 1 January 2012;
The scheme commencement day for Western Australia was 1 August 2012—see the definition of
"scheme commencement day" in regulation 4 of the Education and Care Services National Regulations 2012 of Western Australia.

"serious incident" —see regulation 12;

"soil assessment" means an analysis of soil conducted by an environmental consultant, environmental consulting firm, or environmental auditor for the purposes of determining—
(a) the nature, extent and levels of contamination; and
(b) the actual or potential risk to human health resulting from that contamination;

"storey" , of a building, includes the following—
(a) the ground level;
(b) a level of a split level;

"suitably qualified person" means a person who has—
(a) a qualification for the education and care of children generally or children of a specified age that is approved by the National Authority and included in the list of approved qualifications for suitably qualified persons published under regulation 137; or
(b) a qualification approved by the National Authority as a higher qualification for suitably qualified persons and included in the list of approved qualifications for suitably qualified persons published under regulation 137;

"the Law" means the Education and Care Services National Law ;

"working directly with children" —see regulation 13;

"working with children check number" has the same meaning as it has in the Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012 of New South Wales;

"working with vulnerable people check" means a check of a person under a working with vulnerable people law of a participating jurisdiction;

"working with vulnerable people registration" means a registration issued to a person under the Registration to Work With Vulnerable People Act 2013 of Tasmania allowing the person to be engaged in childcare services.
(1A) A requirement under these Regulations applying in relation to a stated number of children applies each time there is the stated number of children or a part of the stated number.
There are 30 children aged 36 months or over (not including children over preschool age) at a centre-based service. Regulation 123(1)(c) requires 1 educator for each 11 children. In this case 3 educators would be required.
(2) Unless the context otherwise requires, a reference in these Regulations to a Part by a number is a reference to the Part, designated by that number, of these Regulations.
(3) Guides to Chapters do not form part of these Regulations.

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