Each of the following requirements apply for electric lines and control cables forming part of the works of an electricity entity—
(a) the lines and cables must be designed and constructed to ensure that applicable safety clearance requirements under sections 205 to 208 , and 210, for clearance to the ground, buildings and other structures, and to other conductors, are complied with, and are appropriate having regard to environmental, construction and electric service conditions;
(b) underground cables are installed in a way that takes account of local environmental and service conditions, the location of other public utility provider services and the risk of damage from excavation;
(c) if an underground cable is located above the surface of the ground at a particular place and is accessible to the public, it must be mechanically protected from the point at which it leaves the ground up to a height of 2,400mm above any surface near the place on which a person is able to stand;
(d) a low voltage overhead service must be an insulated cable or a neutral screened cable.