For section 40 (3) (a) of the Act , a health equity strategy of a Service must—
(a) state the Service’s key performance measures, as agreed by the Service and the chief First Nations health officer, that relate to improving health and wellbeing outcomes for Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islander people, including—(i) actively eliminating racial discrimination and institutional racism within the Service; and(ii) increasing access to healthcare services; and(iii) influencing the social, cultural and economic determinants of health; and(iv) delivering sustainable, culturally safe and responsive healthcare services; and(v) working with Aboriginal people, Torres Strait Islander people and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and organisations to design, deliver, monitor and review health services; and
(b) set out the actions the Service will take to—(i) achieve the key performance measures mentioned in paragraph (a) , including through entering into partnership agreements or other arrangements with the service-delivery stakeholders for the health equity strategy; and(ii) work with the implementation stakeholders for the health equity strategy to ensure greater collaboration, shared ownership and decision-making and the implementation of the strategy; and(iii) improve the integration of health service delivery between the Service and the service-delivery stakeholders; and(iv) provide inclusive mechanisms to support Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islander people of all needs and abilities to give feedback to the Service; andExample—alternative mechanisms for Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islander people experiencing vulnerabilities to give advice and feedback other than the use of an online or written form(v) increase workforce representation of Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islander people across all levels of health professions and employment streams to levels at least commensurate with the health service area’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population; and
(c) state how the strategy aligns with—(i) the strategic and operational objectives of the Service; and(ii) other strategies, policies, guidelines or directives made by, or applying to, the Service under the Act or another Act; andExamples—• the Service’s consumer and community engagement strategy• policies relating to the Human Rights Act 2019(iii) health equity strategies of other Services; and(iv) other national, state and local government strategies, policies, agreements and standards relevant to promoting shared decision-making, shared ownership and working in partnership with Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islander people.Examples—• the National Agreement on Closing the Gap (2020)• the Queensland Government Statement of Commitment to reframe the relationship between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and the Queensland Government• the Queensland Health Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Capability Framework 2010-2033 (2015)