• improving the effectiveness and outcomes of quality assurance activities undertaken in Services and the department
• facilitating State-wide learning from quality assurance activities, including by issuing State-wide patient safety alerts, advisory documents and other information to support patient safety initiatives
• developing, monitoring and evaluating patient safety initiatives and programs
• undertaking research on the operation and effectiveness of quality assurance committees
• contributing to the development, review and improvement of policies and standards relating to quality assurance activities in rural Services
• monitoring and reporting on the implementation of recommendations contained in quality assurance committee reports or other documents in rural Services
• developing and implementing patient safety initiatives in rural Services
• reviewing patient safety and quality performance in Services and the department
• monitoring, evaluating and promoting improvement in patient safety and quality performance in Services and the department
• contributing to the development, review and improvement of policies and standards of the committee’s board relating to quality assurance activities in the Service of the board that established the committee
• monitoring and reporting to the committee’s board on the implementation of recommendations contained in quality assurance committee reports or other documents in the Service
• developing and implementing patient safety initiatives of the committee’s board in the Service
• improving the effectiveness and outcomes of root cause analyses undertaken in Services and the department
• facilitating State-wide learning from root cause analyses, including by issuing State-wide patient safety alerts, advisory documents and other information to support patient safety initiatives
• developing, monitoring and evaluating patient safety initiatives and programs
• undertaking research on the operation and effectiveness of root cause analyses
• contributing to the development, review and improvement of policies and standards relating to root cause analyses in rural Services
• monitoring and reporting on the implementation of recommendations contained in RCA reports or chain of events documents relevant to rural Services
• using information contained in RCA reports or chain of events documents to develop and implement patient safety initiatives in rural Services
• reviewing patient safety and quality performance in Services and the department
• monitoring, evaluating and promoting improvement in patient safety and quality performance in Services and the department
• contributing to the development, review and improvement of policies and standards relating to root cause analyses in the Service of the board that established the committee
• monitoring and reporting to the committee’s board on the implementation of recommendations contained in RCA reports or other documents relevant to the board’s Service
• using information contained in RCA reports or chain of events documents to develop and implement patient safety initiatives in the Service
• assessing and evaluating the quality of health services, to the extent the services are relevant to a reportable event
• reporting and making recommendations concerning the quality of health services, to the extent the services are relevant to a reportable event
• monitoring the implementation of its recommendations, to the extent its recommendations are relevant to a reportable event