"associate" , for part 3.3 , see section 27 .
"BSB number" , for part 3.3 , see section 27 .
"contact details" , of a party to a discipline application, means—
(a) if the party intents to act personally, the following details—(i) the residential or business address of the party;(ii) if the party has a telephone number—the telephone number of the party;(iii) if the party does not have a telephone number—a way of contacting the party by telephone;(iv) the fax number and email address, if any, of the party; or
(b) if a law practice is appointed to act for the party, the following details—(i) the residential or business address of the party;(ii) the name under which the law practice is carried on;(iii) either of the following (the
"law practice address" )—(A) if the law practice has a place of business in Queensland—the address of the place of business in Queensland of the law practice;(B) otherwise—an address, in Queensland, for service of the party;(iv) the telephone number of the law practice;(v) the fax number and email address, if any, of the law practice.
Note—Under section 625 of the Act , the commissioner must provide administrative support for the committee, including secretariat support.