The objective of the scheme is to assist eligible applicants in offsetting the purchase price of prescribed PPE for eligible veterinary surgeons who may be at significant risk of being exposed to the Hendra virus.
(1) The nature of assistance that may be given to an applicant under the scheme is a rebate to offset the purchase price of prescribed PPE for eligible veterinary surgeons.
(2) The following rebates are payable under the scheme—(a) a rebate for the initial purchase of prescribed PPE for an eligible veterinary surgeon (the
"start-up rebate" );(b) a rebate for the purchase of prescribed PPE payable after an approved test of a suspected Hendra virus infection sample has been completed (the
"replenishment rebate" ).
In this schedule—
"applicant" means a person applying for financial assistance under the scheme.
"approved entity" means the department in which the repealed Exotic Diseases
in Animals Act 1981 was administered immediately before that Act was repealed.
"approved test" means 1 or more tests of a suspected Hendra virus infection
(a) carried out by the approved entity for diagnosing the Hendra virus; and
(b) for which the approved entity has issued a unique identifying number.
Examples of diagnostic tests—• polymerase chain reaction test• virus isolation test• enzyme linked immunosorbent assay test• virus neutralisation test
(a) the name and address of the entity that issued the receipt; and
(b) if the entity has an Australian Business Number—the Australian Business Number; and
(c) a description of each item to which the receipt relates.
(a) was showing symptoms of disease; and
(b) was suspected by the veterinary surgeon of being infected with the Hendra virus.
"Prescribed PPE" means—
(a) any of the following items of personal protective equipment—• biohazard bag• disposable boot covers• disposable overalls• disposable respirator• duct tape• full face shield• nitrile gloves• safety eyewear• sharps disposal container; or
(b) a pack containing any of the items of personal protective equipment mentioned in paragraph (a) .
(1) An applicant is eligible for assistance under the scheme if the authority is satisfied that—(a) the applicant is 1 of the following entities conducting a veterinary practice—(i) an individual conducting the veterinary practice on the individual’s own account (a
"sole trader" );(ii) 2 or more individuals in a partnership;(iii) a corporation; and(b) the applicant holds an Australian Business Number for the veterinary practice; and(c) the applicant is not—(i) the State, the Commonwealth or another State; or(ii) an instrumentality or agent of the State, the Commonwealth or another State; or(iii) an entity established or operated under an Act that is funded to any extent with moneys of, or otherwise financially assisted by, the State, the Commonwealth or another State; and(d) any of the following persons is a veterinary surgeon (an
"eligible veterinary surgeon" ) whose practice of veterinary science relates to horses—(i) for an applicant who is a sole trader—the applicant;(ii) for an applicant that is a partnership—a partner in the partnership;(iii) for any applicant—a person employed, engaged or otherwise acting under the direction of the applicant in the person’s practice of veterinary science; and(e) the eligibility criteria under section 6 or 7 have been met.
(2) In this section—
"veterinary science" see the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1936 , section 2A .
For an applicant to be eligible for the start-up rebate, the authority must be satisfied that—
(a) the applicant bought prescribed PPE on or after 24 March 2012; and
(b) the applicant has not already received the start-up rebate.
For an applicant to be eligible for the replenishment rebate, the authority must be satisfied—
(a) an eligible veterinary surgeon for the applicant took a suspected Hendra virus infection sample from a horse; and
(b) the sample was given to the approved entity for testing for the Hendra virus; and
(c) the approved entity completed an approved test of the sample on or after 24 March 2012; and
(d) the replenishment rebate has not already been paid for the approved test.
(1) The amount of the start-up rebate payable for an application is the amount paid for prescribed PPE up to a maximum of $250 for each eligible veterinary surgeon to whom the application relates.
(2) The start-up rebate can be paid to an applicant only once.
(3) The amount of the replenishment rebate is $250 for each approved test that is completed.
(4) The replenishment rebate can be paid for an approved test only once.
(1) An application for assistance under the scheme must be—(a) made on the application form approved by the authority; and(b) accompanied by the documents mentioned in the application form.
(2) Without limiting subsection (1) (b) , an application for the start-up rebate must be accompanied by tax invoices and official receipts for the purchase of the prescribed PPE to which the application relates.
(3) The authority may request that an applicant provide further relevant information required to decide the application.
(4) An application for assistance under the scheme must be received by the authority no later than 30 June 2016.
The authority must consider, and decide to approve or refuse to approve, each application for assistance under the scheme.