A registered service provider must—
(a) when starting to provide Q-Ride training to an eligible person, make a written record (an eligible person record) of the eligible person; and
(b) include in the record the following information as soon as possible after the information becomes available to the provider—(i) the eligible person’s name and address;(ii) the eligible person’s driver licence number, licence type, class and expiry date;(iii) the documents or information the eligible person produced to the provider to verify that the eligible person is an eligible person to receive the Q-Ride training;(iv) the date the provider started to provide the training;(v) the date a competency recommendation notice for the eligible person was received;(vi) if the provider completes a competency declaration for the eligible person—the serial number of the competency declaration and the date on which the competency declaration was completed.
Penalty—Maximum penalty—40 penalty units.