Queensland Consolidated Regulations

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- Made under the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995
- As at 9 August 2024
- Reg 113 of 2021



           Division 1 - Preliminary

   1.      Short title
   2.      Commencement

           Division 2 - Interpretation and key concepts

   3.      Definitions
   4.      Meaning of exempt vehicle
   5.      Meaning of garage address
   6.      Meaning of registered operator
   7.      Meaning of registered vehicle and unregistered vehicle
   8.      Meaning of vehicle law
   9.      Complying with vehicle law


   10.     Vehicles used on roads must be registered except in particular circumstances
   11.     Driving or towing unregistered vehicle
   12.     Conditionally registered vehicles not to be used on road in contravention of conditional registration guideline conditions
   13.     Person may apply for authorisation to use unregistered vehicle on roads
   14.     Deciding application
   15.     If application refused
   16.     If application granted
   17.     Permit to use intercepted unregistered vehicle on road


           Division 1 - Registration

              Subdivision 1 - Applying for registration

   18.     Vehicles eligible for registration
   19.     Person may apply to register vehicle
   20.     Requirements for registration application
   21.     Deciding registration application
   22.     Grounds on which chief executive may refuse registration application
   23.     Grounds on which chief executive must refuse registration application
   24.     Power to require further information not limited
   25.     If registration application refused
   26.     If registration application granted
   27.     Registration certificates

              Subdivision 2 - Term of registration

   28.     Term
   29.     When term of registration starts
   30.     When term of registration expires

           Division 2 - Renewal of registration

   31.     Renewal notice
   32.     Renewal application
   33.     Requirements for renewal application
   34.     Deciding renewal application
   35.     Seasonal registration—deferral of day by which renewal application for seasonal heavy vehicle must be made
   36.     When renewed term of registration expires
   37.     When surcharge is payable for renewal
   38.     Term of registration if overpayment or underpayment of registration-related amount and any surcharge
   39.     Administrative fee for late payment if purported non-cash payment not received
   40.     When renewal of registration takes effect and requirement to record expiry day

           Division 3 - Transferring registration

   41.     Definitions for division
   42.     Acquirer of registered vehicle must apply for transfer
   43.     Dealer must give notice of acquisition
   44.     Application for transfer, or notice of disposal, by disposer of registered vehicle
   45.     Statement to be given if particular details of disposer can not be provided
   46.     Chief executive may require acquirer to apply for transfer of registration
   47.     Dealer from whom acquirer acquires vehicle must apply for transfer of registration
   48.     Chief executive may update register on receiving application, notice or statement
   49.     Transferring registration under legal process
   50.     Chief executive may refuse to record transfer of registration
   51.     If recording of transfer refused

           Division 4 - Cancelling registration

              Subdivision 1 - Cancellation by application

   52.     Application by registered operator
   53.     Application by person acting under authority of court to sell vehicle
   54.     Additional requirements for application under s 52 or 53
   55.     Application by local government
   56.     Application by commissioner

              Subdivision 2 - Cancellation by chief executive

   57.     Equivalently registered vehicles
   58.     Noncompliance with notice about defective or unsafe vehicle—Act, s 18
   59.     Other grounds—Act, s 18
   60.     Cancellation of heavy vehicle’s registration by court
   60A.    Entities prescribed—Act, ss 19D and 19E

              Subdivision 3 - Cancellation

   61.     Cancelling registration
   62.     When cancellation on application by vehicle’s registered operator takes effect
   63.     When cancellation by chief executive under s 57 takes effect
   64.     When cancellation on other grounds takes effect

              Subdivision 4 - Refunding or recovering registration fees

   65.     Partial refund of vehicle registration fee
   66.     Chief executive may recover proportion of unpaid registration fee

           Division 5 - Other provisions relating to registration

   67.     Vehicle inspections
   68.     Registered operator must notify chief executive of particular changes
   69.     Requirements relating to modification of vehicles
   70.     Recording change of identifying number or other particulars for vehicle
   71.     Reassessment of registration fee on recording of changed particulars
   72.     Application of Act, s 56


           Division 1 - Unregistered vehicle permits

   73.     Application for permit
   74.     Grant of permit
   75.     If permit not granted
   76.     Requirement to carry permit

           Division 2 - Dealer plates

              Subdivision 1 - Preliminary

   77.     Designation of dealer plates

              Subdivision 2 - Registration

   78.     Registration application
   79.     Deciding registration application
   80.     If registration application refused
   81.     If registration application granted
   82.     Term of registration
   83.     Registration not transferable

              Subdivision 3 - Renewing registration

   84.     Renewal notice
   85.     Renewal application
   86.     Requirements for renewal application
   87.     Deciding renewal application
   88.     If renewal application refused
   89.     When renewed term of registration expires
   90.     When surcharge is payable for renewal
   91.     Term of registration if overpayment or underpayment of registration-related amount and any surcharge
   92.     Administrative fee for late payment if purported non-cash payment not received
   93.     When renewal of registration takes effect and requirement to record expiry day
   94.     Return of dealer plate if registration not renewed

              Subdivision 4 - Using dealer plates

   95.     Definition for subdivision
   96.     Use of unregistered vehicle with registered dealer plate attached
   97.     Registered dealer plate to be attached in same way as number plate
   98.     Using vehicles with registered dealer plates attached
   99.     Attaching registered dealer plates, other than dealer (trailer trade) plates, to vehicles carrying loads
   100.    Using vehicles with dealer (trailer trade) plates attached

              Subdivision 5 - Cancelling registration

   101.    Application by registered operator
   102.    Cancellation because of ending of or material change in business
   103.    Cancellation on other grounds—Act, s 18
   104.    When cancellation takes effect
   105.    Recovering proportion of registration amount

              Subdivision 6 - Miscellaneous

   106.    Application of Act, s 56

           Division 3 - Vehicles temporarily in Queensland

   107.    Application of division
   108.    Use of vehicle on road
   109.    Production of proof of particular matters or left-hand drive permit if vehicle registered in foreign country

           Division 4 - Particular equivalently registered vehicles

   110.    Vehicle registered in another State in name of defence force member or eligible family member


   111.    Chief executive must keep register
   112.    Details for registered vehicles and registered dealer plates
   113.    Notifiable information about written-off vehicles to be kept
   114.    Details for personalised number plates to be kept
   115.    Details for unregistered vehicle permits to be kept
   116.    Information on register not conclusive of title to registered vehicle


           Division 1 - Number plates generally

   117.    Assigning registration numbers and giving number plates
   118.    Position, visibility and legibility of number plates
   119.    Position, visibility and legibility requirements not contravened in particular circumstances
   120.    When registered operator must attach number plates
   121.    When number plate must not be attached to a vehicle
   122.    Number plates not legible because damaged or dirty
   123.    Damaged, destroyed, lost or stolen number plates
   124.    Copied number plates
   125.    Chief executive may require exchange of number plates
   126.    Chief executive may require return of number plates if term of registration expires
   127.    Chief executive may require return of number plates for other reasons
   128.    Who owns number plates

           Division 2 - Special edition number plates

   129.    Special edition number plates
   130.    Application to replace number plate with special edition number plate

           Division 3 - National heavy vehicle number plates

   131.    Application to replace number plate with national heavy vehicle number plate

           Division 4 - Personalised number plates

   132.    Personalised number plates given on application or sale
   133.    Using personalised number plates
   134.    Attaching personalised number plates to vehicles
   135.    Transferring personalised number plates
   136.    Converting number plate to personalised number plate

           Division 5 - Customised number plates

   137.    Customising number plates
   138.    Attaching customised number plates to vehicles

           Division 6 - Accessory plates

   139.    Applying for accessory plates for vehicles other than tow trucks
   140.    Attaching accessory plates to vehicles other than tow trucks
   141.    Applying for accessory plates for tow trucks
   142.    Attaching accessory plates for tow trucks

           Division 6A - Approval for modified number of number plates

   142A.   Application for approval to modify number of number plates


           Division 1 - Classification and use of written-off vehicles

   143.    Vehicle assessed as total loss to be classified as statutory write-off or repairable write-off
   144.    Offence to use written-off vehicle on road

           Division 2 - Information about written-off vehicles

              Subdivision 1 - Interpretation

   145.    Definitions for division

              Subdivision 2 - Obligations to give information about written-off vehicles

   146.    Obligation of insurers to report written-off vehicles
   147.    Obligation of self-insurers to report written-off vehicles
   148.    Obligation of loss adjusters to report written-off vehicles
   149.    Obligation of dealers and auctioneers to report written-off vehicles
   150.    Obligation of auto parts dismantlers to report written-off vehicles
   151.    Obligation of registered operators and owners of unregistered vehicles to give chief executive notifiable information for written-off vehicles
   152.    Notifier may change notifiable information previously given
   153.    Notifier may apply to correct error in notifiable information previously given
   154.    Offence to give false or misleading notifiable information
   155.    Requirement to notify chief executive of repair of written-off vehicle
   156.    Requirement to give chief executive other information
   157.    Notifiers’ obligation to inform responsible persons for notifiable vehicles

              Subdivision 3 - Labels for written-off vehicles

   158.    Specifications for labels to be used by notifiers
   159.    Notifiers’ obligation to attach labels to written-off vehicles
   160.    Chief executive must give label for written-off vehicle to person who gives notifiable information under s 151
   161.    Responsible person must attach label to written-off vehicle
   162.    Offence to remove written-off vehicle label

              Subdivision 4 - Audits

   163.    Auditing of notifiers
   164.    Identification of contravention in audit report

           Division 3 - Approvals for written-off vehicle inspections

   165.    Application for inspection approval
   166.    Deciding application
   167.    Notice of decision
   168.    Inspection approval prescribed for Act, ss 17B and 18

           Division 4 - Offences relating to written-off vehicle inspections

   169.    Only approved written-off vehicle examiner may perform written-off vehicle inspection
   170.    Only approved written-off vehicle nominee may supervise written-off vehicle inspection
   171.    Not complying with conditions of inspection approval
   172.    False or misleading written-off vehicle inspection report
   173.    Operating place as written-off vehicle inspection site
   174.    Performing written-off vehicle inspection at place other than written-off vehicle inspection site
   175.    Supervising written-off vehicle inspection at place other than written-off vehicle inspection site
   176.    False advertising or holding out


           Division 1 - Natural disasters

   177.    Application of division
   178.    Definitions for division
   179.    When natural disaster relief measures may be relied on
   180.    Natural disaster relief notice
   181.    Reduced term of registration or renewal of registration
   182.    Exemption from surcharge for reduced term of registration or administrative fee for late payment
   183.    Seasonal registration—deferral of day by which renewal application must be made

           Division 2 - Droughts

   184.    Application of division
   185.    Definitions for division
   186.    Meaning of eligible vehicle
   187.    Reduced term of registration or renewal of registration
   188.    Exemption from surcharge for reduced term of registration or from administrative fee for late payment
   189.    Supporting material must be given
   190.    Seasonal registration—deferral of day by which renewal application must be made

           Division 3 - Transport of fodder for disaster or drought-affected primary producers

   191.    Transport of fodder by primary producer for another primary producer


           Division 1 - Preliminary

   192.    Definitions for part

           Division 2 - Particular applications

   193.    Chief executive may publish notice about applications
   194.    How applications must be made
   195.    Chief executive may request further information

           Division 3 - Particular customer communications

   196.    Chief executive may publish notice about customer communications
   197.    How customer communications must be given or made


           Division 1 - Use of information from register

   198.    Definition for division
   199.    Use of prescribed information for contacting registered operator about moving or removing vehicle
   200.    Use of information for contacting registered operator about recovery of cost of damage

           Division 2 - Release of information from register

   201.    Definitions for division
   202.    Giving extracts from register to eligible persons
   203.    Public access providers may allow client users to obtain extracts from register
   204.    Giving extracts from register to tolling entities
   205.    Giving information to entities that maintain NEVDIS
   206.    Information provider may give vehicle-related information
   207.    Chief executive may give vehicle-related information to particular persons


   208.    References to registration certificate, number plate or permit
   209.    Things that purport to be, but are not, registration certificates, number plates or permits
   210.    Altering or defacing registration certificates, number plates or permits
   211.    Using, or permitting use of, vehicle for which registration certificate, number plate or permit altered etc.
   212.    Requirement to remove unlawful registration item


   213.    Review of decisions not provided for under Act, ch 4


           Division 1 - Approval of motorbikes as learner approved motorbikes

   214.    Definition for division
   215.    Meaning of LAM test report
   216.    Application for approval of motorbike as a learner approved motorbike
   217.    Deciding application
   218.    Chief executive must keep list of learner approved motorbikes

           Division 2 - Other provisions

   219.    Sale of unregistered vehicles by dealers


           Division 1 - Fees generally

   220.    Fees
   220AA.  Particular registration fees and fees relating to registration reduced during fee reduction period
   220A.   Rounding of amounts expressed as numbers of fee units
   221.    Charging categories

           Division 2 - Exemptions

   222.    Eligible person may apply for exemption from paying particular fees
   223.    Registered operator for motorised mobility device may apply for exemption from paying transfer application fee
   224.    Eligible prescribed service person may apply for exemption from particular fees
   225.    Deciding applications
   226.    Notification requirements for person granted exemption from paying particular fees
   227.    Chief executive must give notice before reassessing fee for which exemption granted
   228.    Reassessment of fee for which exemption granted

           Division 2A - Recognised primary producers and nominated primary producers

   228A.   Meaning of recognised primary producer and nominated primary producer
   228B.   Application to be a recognised primary producer
   228C.   Deciding application to be a recognised primary producer
   228D.   Application to nominate a recognised primary producer
   228E.   Deciding application to nominate a recognised primary producer
   228F.   Notices and details recorded in the register

           Division 3 - Concessional registration

              Subdivision 1 - Applying for concessional registration

   229.    Eligible person may apply
   230.    Deciding application
   231.    Concessional registration fee for particular vehicles that have, or are proposed to have, 2 registered operators
   231A.   Working out amounts of concessional registration fees

              Subdivision 2 - Eligibility requirements

   232.    Persons eligible for ambulance vehicles and particular vehicles mentioned in sch 5
   233.    Recognised primary producers and primary producers
   234.    Holders of seniors cards
   235.    Holders of pensioner concession cards
   236.    Prescribed service persons
   237.    Special interest vehicles
   238.    When registered operator for concessionally registered vehicle stops being eligible for concessional registration

              Subdivision 3 - Use of concessionally registered vehicles

   239.    Use of concessionally registered vehicles generally
   240.    Use of farm plate vehicle
   241.    Use of restricted primary production vehicles
   242.    Use of concessionally registered special interest vehicle for which condition imposed

              Subdivision 4 - Notification requirements for, and reassessment of, concessional registration

   243.    Notification requirements for registered operators of concessionally registered vehicles
   243A.   Notification requirements for registered operators of relevant vehicles and nominated primary producers
   244.    Chief executive must give notice before reassessing registration fee
   245.    Reassessment of registration fee
   246.    Notice of decision


           Division 1 - Transitional provisions for SL No. 113 of 2021

   247.    Definition for part
   248.    Applications made before commencement
   249.    References to recorded expiry day
   250.    Continuation of expired regulation, pt 9, div 1 and existing natural disaster relief notices
   251.    Continuation of expired regulation, pt 9, div 2 and existing drought declarations
   252.    Existing entitlements to review
   253.    References to inspection approvals
   254.    Continuation of register
   255.    References to expired regulation
   256.    Acts Interpretation Act 1954 not limited

           Division 2 - Transitional provision for Transport Legislation (Fee Unit Conversion and Registration Fees) Amendment Regulation 2022

   257.    Fees payable under relevant provisions for registration

           Division 3 - Transitional provision for Transport Operations (Road Use Management—Vehicle Registration) and Other Legislation Amendment Regulation 2023

   258.    Existing registered operators of heavy primary production vehicles
           SCHEDULE 1
           SCHEDULE 2
           SCHEDULE 3
           SCHEDULE 4
           SCHEDULE 4A
           SCHEDULE 5
           SCHEDULE 6
           SCHEDULE 7
           SCHEDULE 8

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