(1) For section 49 (f) of the Act , the operator of a determined major hazard facility must consult with workers at the major hazard facility in relation to the following—(a) the preparation of the safety case outline for the major hazard facility;(b) the preparation, testing and implementation of the major hazard facility’s emergency plan;(c) the establishment and implementation of the major hazard facility’s safety management system;(d) the conduct of a review under section 559 ;(e) the implementation of the workers’ safety role under section 574 (1) ;(f) the preparation and review of the major hazard facility’s safety case.Penalty—Maximum penalty—60 penalty units.
(2) For section 49 (f) of the Act , the operator of a licensed major hazard facility must consult with workers at the major hazard facility in relation to the following—(a) the testing and implementation of the major hazard facility’s emergency plan;(b) the implementation of the major hazard facility’s safety management system;(c) the conduct of a review under section 569 ;(d) the implementation of the workers’ safety role under section 574 (2) ;(e) a review of the major hazard facility’s safety case.Penalty—Maximum penalty—60 penalty units.Note—See section 49 of the Act for other consultation duties of a person conducting a business or undertaking.