1.1 A brief description of the nature of the facility and its operation, including a description of on-site activities and processes that involve or will involve schedule 15 chemicals.
1.2 A description of the schedule 15 chemicals and any other hazardous chemicals present or likely to be present at the facility, including—(a) their identification by name and by any other means necessary for a clear identification; and(b) the quantity present or likely to be present at the major hazard facility; and(c) their physical, chemical and toxicological characteristics, and any other hazardous characteristics, both immediate and delayed; and(d) their physical and chemical behaviour under normal conditions of use or under foreseeable abnormal conditions.
1.3 A description of the chemical and physical processes associated with any schedule 15 chemicals, including—(a) the main units of plant used in those processes; and(b) a process flow drawing, or set of flow drawings, describing the processes.
1.4 A drawing of the major hazard facility’s general layout, containing the location of—(a) the main process units; and(b) the main storage areas; and(c) major incident hazards and major incident initiators.
1.5 In relation to proposed changes at the major hazard facility for which no new control measures are implemented—(a) a description of any proposed changes to the major hazard facility that would—(i) alter the production capacity or profile of the major hazard facility; or(ii) involve the deletion, addition or modification of any processes; and(b) a statement as to how existing control measures and WHS management systems are capable of maintaining the safe operation of the major hazard facility.
2.1 A scale plan of the facility and its surrounding area showing—(a) the location of the facility within the surrounding area; and(b) topographical information; and(c) land uses and activities in the surrounding area; and(d) the location of any identified external conditions (including other major hazard facilities or other facilities that could affect the safety of the major hazard facility).
2.2 Graphically presented demographic information for the local community, including surrounding land uses permitted by the local authority.
2.3 Meteorological data relevant to the estimation of the effects of any major incident.
3.1 A detailed description of—(a) the instrumentation and other equipment installed in the facility and the processes and procedures in place that are the control measures to be implemented by the operator; and(b) the critical operating parameters for those control measures; and(c) key personnel and resources (internal and external) available to intervene in the event of any failure of a control measure, whether or not that failure results in a major incident; and(d) a summary of the emergency plan, including specific information about how the plan can be expected to limit the consequences of a major incident; and(e) the means of ensuring that there is at all times in place a command structure for the major hazard facility that applies in the event of an emergency, and that this command structure has been communicated to workers throughout the major hazard facility.
3.2 In item 3.1—
"critical operating parameters" means the upper or lower performance limits of any equipment, process or procedure, compliance with which is necessary to avoid a major incident.
"failure of a control measure" means—(a) if the control measure is a positive action or event—the non-occurrence or the defective occurrence of that action or event; or(b) if the control measure consists of a limitation on an operational activity, process or procedure—the breach of that limitation.
A detailed description of the performance standards and performance indicators required by schedule 17 , item 7 to be included in the safety management system.
5.1 At all points in the safety case where the matter addressed is covered by the safety management system, a clear reference to the relevant part of the documented safety management system.
5.2 A description of those parts of the documented safety management system that address the ongoing effective implementation and ongoing review and revision of the safety management system.
A description of the steps taken to ensure that safety and reliability are incorporated into the design and construction of all aspects of the major hazard facility itself, whether the operator is directly engaged in the design and construction or has engaged another person to carry out the design and construction.
A summary of the major incidents that have occurred at the major hazard facility over the previous 5 years.