1.1 The location of the major amusement park, including its street address, the nearest intersection (if any) and entry and exit points for the park.
1.2 A detailed map—(a) showing the workplace of the major amusement park; and(b) showing land use and occupancy surrounding the major amusement park; and(c) identifying the location of the amusement devices at the major amusement park; and(d) showing all staging points for emergency service organisations.
1.3 The maximum number of persons, including workers, likely to be present at the major amusement park on a normal working day.
1.4 The emergency planning assumptions, including emergency measures planned for identified amusement device incidents and likely areas affected.
1.5 The protective resources available to control an amusement device incident.
1.6 The emergency response procedures.
2.1 The command philosophy and structure to be activated in an emergency, so that it is clear what actions will be taken, who will take these actions and how, when and where they will be taken.
2.2 Details of the person who can clarify the content of the amusement device emergency plan if necessary.
2.3 The contact details of, and the means of contacting, the persons at the major amusement park responsible for liaising with emergency service organisations.
2.4 A list of 24 hour emergency contacts.
3.1 In the event of an amusement device incident where persons have been seriously injured and could reasonably be expected to require an emergency service, procedures for notifying the emergency service organisations with which the amusement device emergency plan was prepared under section 608N .
3.2 Workplace warning systems.
3.3 Contact details for emergency service organisations and other support services that can assist in providing resources and implementing evacuation plans in the event of an amusement device incident.
3.4 Workplace communication systems.
4.1 Workplace emergency resources, including emergency equipment and personnel.
5.1 Procedures for the safe evacuation of, and accounting for, all people at the workplace.
5.2 Procedures and control points for utilities, including gas, water and electricity.