Queensland Consolidated Regulations
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SCHEDULE 12 – Dictionary
"1.5 year daily flow volume" , for a node, means the daily flow at the node
that has a 67% probability of being reached at least once a year.
"5 year daily flow volume" , for a node, means the daily flow at the node that
has a 20% probability of being reached at least once a year.
"20 year daily flow volume" , for a node, means the daily flow at the node
that has a 5% probability of being reached at least once a year.
"90% annual volume probability" means the percentage of years in the
groundwater simulation period in which the volume of water that may be taken
by a water allocation group is at least 90% of the total of the nominal
volumes for the water allocations in the group.
"adjusted storage level" , for a storage, for schedule 9 , see schedule 9 ,
section 1.
"adjusted storage volume" , for a storage, for schedule 9 , see schedule 9 ,
section 1.
"adopted middle thread distance" means the distance in kilometres, measured
along the middle of a watercourse, that a specific point in the watercourse
is, at the commencement of this plan, from—
(a) the watercourse’s mouth;
(b) if the watercourse flows into another watercourse—the
watercourse’s confluence with its main watercourse.
"AHD" means the Australian height datum adopted by the National Mapping
Council of Australia for referencing a level or height back to a standard base
"amended water licence" — (a) for chapter 5, part 2, division 7, subdivision
2, see section 85; or
(b) for chapter 5, part 3, division 3, subdivision 2,
see section 102.
"AMTD" means the adopted middle thread distance.
"announced allocation percentage" — (a) for a priority group in a water
supply scheme, for schedule 9 —see schedule 9 , section 1; or
(b) for the
high priority water allocations, or medium priority water allocations, in a
relevant subscheme, for schedule 9 —see schedule 9 , section 1; or
(c) for
the John Goleby MP water allocations, for schedule 9 —see schedule 9 ,
section 1.
"annual flow volume" , for a point on a watercourse or a node, means the total
volume of flow, at the point or node, in a period of 12 months starting on 1
"annual volume probability" , for water allocations in a water allocation
group, means the percentage of years in the IQQM simulation period in which
the volume of water that may be taken by the group is at least the total of
the nominal volumes for allocations in the group.
"annual volumetric limit" , for a water allocation, means the maximum volume
of water that may be taken under the allocation in a water year.
"authorisation" means a water licence, water permit, interim water allocation,
water allocation or other authority to take water given under the Act or the
repealed Act, other than a water permit for stock or domestic purposes.
"average depth to the watertable" , for a node, means the sum of the simulated
vertical distances at the node for each month in the groundwater simulation
period, divided by the number of months in the groundwater simulation period.
"average ocean groundwater discharge" , for a groundwater sub-area, means the
total volume of groundwater simulated to have been discharged to the ocean
from the groundwater sub-area in the groundwater simulation period, divided by
the number of years in the groundwater simulation period.
"Avondale authorisations" , for chapter 5, part 2, division 2, see section 54.
"Barker Barambah HP water allocations" , for schedule 9 , part 2, see schedule
9 , section 3.
"Barker Barambah MP water allocations" , for schedule 9 , part 2, see schedule
9 , section 3.
"Barker Barambah Water Supply Scheme" means the water supply scheme described
in the resource operations plan as the Barker Barambah Water Supply Scheme.
"Boyne River and Tarong Water Supply Scheme" means the water supply scheme
described in the resource operations plan as the Boyne River and Tarong Water
Supply Scheme.
"bulk capacity share" , for schedule 9 , see schedule 9 , section 1.
"Bundaberg Water Supply Scheme" means the water supply scheme described in the
resource operations plan as the Bundaberg Water Supply Scheme.
"Burnett bulk capacity share" , for schedule 9 , see schedule 9 , section 1.
"Burnett HP water allocations" , for schedule 9 , part 3, division 3, see
schedule 9 , section 24.
"Burnett MP water allocations" , for schedule 9 , part 3, division 3, see
schedule 9 , section 24.
"Burnett River subscheme" , for schedule 9 , see schedule 9 , section 1.
"Claude Wharton A MP water allocations" , for schedule 9 , part 4, division 3,
subdivision 1, see schedule 9 , section 41.
"Claude Wharton A subscheme" , for schedule 9 , see schedule 9 , section 1.
"Claude Wharton B MP water allocations" , for schedule 9 , part 4, division 3,
subdivision 1, see schedule 9 , section 41.
"Claude Wharton B subscheme" , for schedule 9 , see schedule 9 , section 1.
"Claude Wharton HP water allocations" , for schedule 9 , part 4, division 3,
subdivision 1, see schedule 9 , section 41.
"Claude Wharton MP water allocations" , for schedule 9 , part 4, division 3,
subdivision 1, see schedule 9 , section 41.
"Claude Wharton subscheme" , for schedule 9 , see schedule 9 , section 1.
"Coastal Burnett groundwater computer program" means the department’s
computer program, developed using the code ‘MODFLOW’, that simulates
movement of water below the surface of the land in the Coastal Burnett
groundwater management area.
"Coastal Burnett overland flow area" see section 7.
"commencement" means the commencement of this schedule.
"coordinated project" means a project declared under the
State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971 , section 26 to be a
coordinated project.
"current storage level" , for a storage, for schedule 9 , see schedule 9 ,
section 1.
"current storage volume" , for a storage, for schedule 9 , see schedule 9 ,
section 1.
"daily flow" , for a node, means the volume of water that flows past the node
in a day.
"daily volumetric limit" , for a water licence, means the maximum volume of
water that may be taken under the licence in a day.
"dead storage volume" , for a storage, for schedule 9 , see schedule 9 ,
section 1.
"dewatering" means— (a) draining, either permanently or temporarily,
overland flow water from land; or
(b) removing groundwater from soils or
sediments that are waterlogged.
"discharge" , for a flow at a point in a watercourse, means the rate at which
water passes the point, measured in cubic metres a second or megalitres a day.
"diversion" , for a water supply scheme or subscheme, for a water year, for
schedule 9 , see schedule 9 , section 1.
"drawdown period" , for a node, means any period, expressed as a percentage of
the groundwater simulation period, for which the simulated vertical distance
for the node is more than the maximum distance for the node.
"existing overland flow works" — (a) means works that allow the taking of
overland flow water in the Coastal Burnett overland flow area and either—
(i) were in existence on 18 January 2010; or
(ii) were started, but not
completed, by 18 January 2010 and— (A) if a variation to a moratorium notice
was granted for the works under section 27 of the Act —have been, or are
being, completed in accordance with the moratorium notice, as varied; or
if sub-subparagraph (A) does not apply—were completed by 19 July 2010; and
(b) if works replacing the works mentioned in paragraph (a) do not increase
the volume of water that may be taken under the works mentioned in paragraph
(a)—includes works replacing the works mentioned in paragraph (a).
"first water period" , for a water year, for schedule 9 , part 4, division 3,
subdivision 2, see schedule 9 , section 55.
"flow regime" means the entire range of flows at a point in a watercourse
including variations in the watercourse height, discharge, seasonality and
event duration.
"full supply volume" , for a storage, for schedule 9 , see schedule 9 ,
section 1.
"general reserve" means a volume of unallocated water available for allocation
for any purpose.
"groundwater" means underground water to which the Water Plan (Great Artesian
Basin and Other Regional Aquifers) 2017 does not apply.
"groundwater annual volume probability" , for water allocations in a water
allocation group, means the percentage of years in the groundwater simulation
period in which the volume of water that may be taken by the water allocation
group is at least the total of the nominal volumes for the water allocations
in the group.
"groundwater management area" see section 8.
"groundwater simulation period" means the period from 1 January 1905 to 31
December 2004.
"groundwater sub-area" see section 9.
"high priority water allocations" , for a relevant subscheme, for schedule 9 ,
see schedule 9 , section 1.
"Indigenous purpose" means the purpose of helping an Indigenous community
achieve its economic and social aspirations.
"inflow allowance" , for a subscheme, for a month, for schedule 9 , see
schedule 9 , section 1.
"infrastructure operating rules" , for water infrastructure to which the
resource operations plan applies, means details of how the infrastructure will
be operated.
"IQQM computer program" means— (a) the department’s Integrated Quantity
and Quality Modelling computer program that simulate daily stream flows, flow
management, storages, releases, instream infrastructure, water diversions,
water demands and other hydrologic events in the plan area; and
(b) the
statistical analysis and reporting programs associated with the computer
program mentioned in paragraph (a).
"IQQM simulation period" means the period from 1 July 1890 to 30 June 2008.
"John Goleby MP water allocations" , for schedule 9 , see schedule 9 ,
section 1.
"John Goleby subscheme" , for schedule 9 , see schedule 9 , section 1.
"Jones HP water allocations" , for schedule 9 , part 4, division 3,
subdivision 1, see schedule 9 , section 41.
"Jones MP water allocations" , for schedule 9 , part 4, division 3,
subdivision 1, see schedule 9 , section 41.
"Jones subscheme" , for schedule 9 , see schedule 9 , section 1.
"Kirar HP water allocations" , for schedule 9 , part 4, division 3,
subdivision 1, see schedule 9 , section 41.
"Kirar MP water allocations" , for schedule 9 , part 4, division 3,
subdivision 1, see schedule 9 , section 41.
"Kirar subscheme" , for schedule 9 , see schedule 9 , section 1.
"Kolan bulk capacity share" , for schedule 9 , see schedule 9 , section 1.
"Kolan HP water allocations" , for schedule 9 , part 3, division 3, see
schedule 9 , section 24.
"Kolan MP water allocations" , for schedule 9 , part 3, division 3, see
schedule 9 , section 24.
"Kolan River subscheme" , for schedule 9 , see schedule 9 , section 1.
"last water period" , for a water year, for schedule 9 , part 4, division 3,
subdivision 2, see schedule 9 , section 55.
"major inflow" — (a) for a water supply scheme, for schedule 9 —see
schedule 9 , section 1; or
(b) for the John Goleby MP water allocations, for
schedule 9 —see schedule 9 , section 1.
"maximum distance" , for a node, means the distance stated for the node in
schedule 7 , part 2, table 4, column 2.
"mean annual flow" , for a node, means the total volume of flow, at the node,
in the IQQM simulation period divided by the number of years in the IQQM
simulation period.
"median annual flow" , for a node, means the annual flow volume, at the node,
that is equalled or exceeded in 50% of years in the IQQM simulation period.
"medium priority water allocations" , for a relevant subscheme, for schedule 9
, see schedule 9 , section 1.
"monthly supplemented water sharing index" , for water allocations to take
supplemented water, means the percentage of months in the IQQM simulation
period in which the allocations are fully supplied.
"node" means a node under section 11.
"nominal entitlement" see the Water Regulation 2016 , section 28 .
"period of no flow" , for a node, means the period in the IQQM simulation
period in which the flow of water at the node is less than 1ML a day.
"pre-development flow pattern" means the pattern of water flows, during the
IQQM simulation period, decided by the chief executive using the IQQM computer
program as if— (a) there were no dams or other water infrastructure in the
plan area; and
(b) no water was taken under authorisations in the plan area.
"prescribed existing groundwater works" means— (a) works for taking
groundwater, other than for stock or domestic purposes— (i) in the following
groundwater sub-areas for which a notice was given under the repealed Water
Resource (Burnett Basin) Plan 2000 , section 30C — (A) Kolan-Burnett B
groundwater sub-area;
(B) Burnett-Elliott B groundwater sub-area;
Elliott-Gregory B groundwater sub-area;
(D) Farnsfield B groundwater
(E) Fairymead B groundwater sub-area; or
(ii) that are constructed
or installed to replace works mentioned in subparagraph (i) and that— (A)
are within 10m of the location of the works mentioned in subparagraph (i); and
(B) tap the same aquifer tapped by the works mentioned in subparagraph (i); or
(b) works for taking groundwater, other than for stock or domestic purposes,
in a groundwater management area (other than the Coastal Burnett groundwater
management area or the Upper Burnett groundwater management area) that— (i)
were in existence on 18 January 2010; or
(ii) were started, but not
completed, by 18 January 2010 and— (A) if a variation to a moratorium notice
was granted for the works under section 27 of the Act —have been, or are
being, completed in accordance with the moratorium notice, as varied; or
otherwise—were completed by 19 July 2010; or
(iii) are constructed or
installed to replace works mentioned in subparagraph (i) or (ii) and— (A)
are within 10m of the location of the works mentioned in subparagraph (i) or
(ii); and
(B) tap the same aquifer tapped by the works mentioned in
subparagraph (i) or (ii).
"project of regional significance" means a project the chief executive
considers to be a project of regional significance under section 38.
"provisional allocation percentage" — (a) for a priority group in a water
supply scheme, for schedule 9 —see schedule 9 , section 1; or
(b) for the
high priority water allocations, or medium priority water allocations, in a
relevant subscheme, for schedule 9 —see schedule 9 , section 1; or
(c) for
the John Goleby MP water allocations, for schedule 9 —see schedule 9 ,
section 1.
"relevant groundwater management area" means any of the following— (a)
Barambah Creek groundwater management area;
(b) Central Burnett River
groundwater management area;
(c) Coastal Burnett groundwater management area;
(d) Upper Burnett groundwater management area.
"relevant subscheme" — (a) for schedule 9 , part 3, division 3—see
schedule 9 , section 23; or
(b) for schedule 9 , part 4, division 3,
subdivision 1—see schedule 9 , section 40.
"reserve" , for a water supply scheme or subscheme, for a month, for schedule
9 , see schedule 9 , section 1.
"resource operations plan" means the resource operations plan for this plan
that was made in 2003. Note— See the Act, section 1266.
"ROL holder" — (a) for schedule 9 , part 2—see schedule 9 , section 2; or
(b) for schedule 9 , part 3—see schedule 9 , section 17; or
(c) for
schedule 9 , part 4—see schedule 9 , section 34.
"seasonality" , for a flow in a watercourse, means the time of year when the
flow happens.
"seawater intrusion" means the movement of sea water inland into aquifers that
contain freshwater.
"simulated vertical distance" means a vertical distance from the surface of
the land to the watertable that is simulated by— (a) the Coastal Burnett
groundwater computer program; or
(b) if it is not practical to use the
Coastal Burnett groundwater computer program, another assessment method
approved by the chief executive under section 26(2).
"started" , for existing overland flow works or prescribed existing
groundwater works, means all of the following apply to the works— (a)
construction of the works has physically begun or, if construction has not
physically begun, a contract has been entered into to begin construction;
an independently verifiable construction program exists for progressive
construction towards completion of the works;
(c) detailed design plans exist
showing, among other things, the extent of the works;
(d) if a permit is
required for the works under the repealed Local Government Act 1993 , section
940 —the permit has been issued;
(e) if a development permit is required
for the works—the permit had been given.
"State purpose" means— (a) a coordinated project; or
(b) a project of
regional significance; or
(c) town water supply purposes.
"storage curve" , for a storage, for schedule 9 , see schedule 9 , section 1.
"storage loss" , for a storage, for a month, for schedule 9 , see schedule 9 ,
section 1.
"strategic reserve" means a volume of unallocated water available only for
allocation for a State purpose or an Indigenous purpose.
"strategic water infrastructure reserve" means a volume of unallocated water
available only for allocation for a coordinated project.
"subcatchment area" see section 6.
"subscheme" , for schedule 9 , see schedule 9 , section 1.
"subsequent water period" , for a water year, for schedule 9 , part 4,
division 3, subdivision 2, see schedule 9 , section 55.
"supplemented water" means water supplied under an interim resource operations
licence, resource operations licence or other authority to operate water
"surface water" see section 12(1).
"this plan" see section 1.
"Three Moon Creek Water Supply Scheme" means— (a) the water supply scheme
described in the interim resource operations licence for the Three Moon Creek
Water Supply Scheme; or
(b) if the resource operations plan provides for a
water supply scheme as the Three Moon Creek Water Supply Scheme—the water
supply scheme described in the resource operations plan under that name.
"transfer allowance" , for schedule 9 , see schedule 9 , section 1.
"transmission and operational losses" , for a water supply scheme or relevant
subscheme, for a month, for schedule 9 , see schedule 9 , section 1.
"unallocated water" means surface water available for allocation in the plan
"unsupplemented groundwater" means groundwater that is unsupplemented water.
"unsupplemented surface water" means surface water that is unsupplemented
"unsupplemented water" means water that is not supplemented water.
"unused water" — (a) for the last water period in a water year, for schedule
9 —see schedule 9 , section 1; or
(b) for a water year, for schedule 9
—see schedule 9 , section 1.
"Upper Burnett Water Supply Scheme" means the water supply scheme described in
the resource operations plan as the Upper Burnett Water Supply Scheme.
"usable volume" — (a) for a bulk capacity share, for schedule 9 —see
schedule 9 , section 1; or
(b) for a storage, for schedule 9 —see schedule
9 , section 1.
"waterhole" means a part of a watercourse that contains water after the
watercourse ceases to flow, other than a part of a watercourse that is within
the storage area of a dam on the watercourse.
"water period" , for a water year, for schedule 9 , part 4, division 3,
subdivision 2, see schedule 9 , section 55.
"water year" , for schedule 9 , see schedule 9 , section 1.
"works that allow the taking of overland flow water" include— (a) storages,
sumps, drains, embankments, channels and pumps for taking, or that can be used
for taking, overland flow water; and
(b) storages that are connected to the
works mentioned in paragraph (a); and
(c) works that make, or that can be
used to make, the connections between the storages mentioned in paragraph (b)
and the works mentioned in paragraph (a).
"Wuruma HP water allocations" , for schedule 9 , part 4, division 3,
subdivision 1, see schedule 9 , section 41.
"Wuruma MP water allocations" , for schedule 9 , part 4, division 3,
subdivision 1, see schedule 9 , section 41.
"Wuruma subscheme" , for schedule 9 , see schedule 9 , section 1.
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