1 At each node mentioned in table 1, column 1, the number of periods of no flow of at least 6 months in the IQQM simulation period is to be no more than the number stated for the node in table 1, column 2.Table 1
Column 1 Column 2 Surface water node Number of periods of no flow 2a 3 4 6 6 12
2 At each node mentioned in table 2, column 1—(a) the mean annual flow in the IQQM simulation period, expressed as a percentage of the mean annual flow for the pre-development flow pattern, is to be at least the percentage stated for the node in table 2, column 2; and(b) the median annual flow in the IQQM simulation period, expressed as a percentage of the median annual flow for the pre-development flow pattern, is to be at least the percentage stated for the node in table 2, column 3.Table 2
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Surface water node Mean annual flow (%) Median annual flow (%) 1 70 40 11 70 55 13 75 55 15 85 70 17 95 90
3 At each node mentioned in table 3, column 1—(a) the 1.5 year daily flow volume in the IQQM simulation period, expressed as a percentage of the 1.5 year daily flow volume for the pre-development flow pattern, is to be at least the percentage stated for the node in table 3, column 2; and(b) the 5 year daily flow volume in the IQQM simulation period, expressed as a percentage of the 5 year daily flow volume for the pre-development flow pattern, is to be at least the percentage stated for the node in table 3, column 3; and(c) the 20 year daily flow volume in the IQQM simulation period, expressed as a percentage of the 20 year daily flow volume for the pre-development flow pattern, is to be at least the percentage stated for the node in table 3, column 4.Table 3
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Surface water node 1.5 year daily flow volume (%) 5 year daily flow volume (%) 20 year daily flow volume (%) 1 50 80 90 11 70 50 60 13 35 80 90 15 65 90 95 17 90 95 95
1 At each node mentioned in table 4, column 1—(a) the average depth to the watertable in the groundwater simulation period must not be more than the maximum distance stated for the node in table 4, column 2; and(b) the greatest drawdown period for the node in the groundwater simulation period must not be more than the percentage stated for the node in table 4, column 3.Table 4
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Groundwater node Maximum distance (m) Drawdown period (%) 21 10.85 0 26 15.35 0 27 3.64 0.33 28 4.14 1.0 29 3.64 2.50 30 17.64 0 31 13.40 1.0 36 2.50 8.58
2 The average ocean groundwater discharge for a groundwater sub-area mentioned in table 5, column 1 is to be at least the volume stated for the groundwater sub-area in table 5, column 2.Table 5
Column 1 Column 2 Groundwater sub-area Volume (ML) Kolan-Burnett A 8,100 Burnett-Elliott A 2,100 Elliott-Gregory A 4,200 Fairymead A 4,100