(1) The holder of a relevant authorisation must ensure a measurement device stated in schedule 11 , column 3 opposite the authorisation is attached to works through which water is taken under the authorisation.Note—See, however, section 153 in relation to attaching particular measurement devices on or before a particular date.
(2) The holder of the relevant authorisation must ensure the measurement device is—(a) attached to the works in the way stated in the measurement standards; and(b) certified by a duly qualified person as complying with the measurement standards; and(c) not faulty.
(3) Also, the holder of the relevant authorisation must ensure the measurement device is maintained in accordance with the measurement standards.
(4) The holder does not contravene subsection (2) (c) in relation to a faulty measurement device if the holder complies with subdivision 3 during the faulty period for the device.