In this schedule—
"responsible person" , for a risk management strategy, means the person
responsible, under section 171 or 172 of the Act , for developing and
implementing the strategy.
1 a statement of commitment to the safety and wellbeing of children and protecting children from harm
2 a code of conduct for—(a) if the risk management strategy is about employees in regulated employment as defined in section 171 (2) of the Act —the employees interacting with children; or(b) if the risk management strategy is about a regulated business—the responsible person for the strategy, and any person who is employed or otherwise engaged by the regulated business, interacting with children
3 policies and procedures for recruiting, selecting, training and managing persons employed or otherwise engaged, or to be employed or otherwise engaged, by the responsible person for the risk management strategy, to the extent the policies and procedures reflect the commitment to the safety and wellbeing of children and protecting children from harm
4 policies and procedures for handling disclosures or suspicions of harm to children, including reporting guidelines
5 plans and procedures for managing contraventions of the risk management strategy
6 policies and procedures for complying with chapters 7 and 8 of the Act , including policies and procedures about—(a) implementing and reviewing the risk management strategy; and(b) keeping a written record about matters under chapters 7 and 8 of the Act related to persons employed or otherwise engaged by the responsible person for the risk management strategyExamples for paragraph (b)—1 whether the responsible person considers a person employed by the responsible person is required to apply for a working with children authority2 if the responsible person employs a person in restricted employment—whether the responsible person considers the person is a restricted person3 whether a person has made a working with children check application4 whether a person holds a working with children authority, and if so, the expiry date of the person’s authority
7 plans for managing the risks associated with high risk activities and special events
8 strategies for providing communication and support for implementing the risk management strategy, including—(a) written information about the risk management strategy for, and where the strategy may be accessed by—(i) persons employed or otherwise engaged by the responsible person for the risk management strategy; and(ii) children, or parents of children, who receive a service or take part in an activity associated with the regulated employment or regulated business to which the risk management strategy relates; and(b) training materials for persons employed or otherwise engaged by the responsible person for the risk management strategy—(i) to help identify risks of harm to children; and(ii) to help handle disclosures or suspicions of harm to children; and(iii) about matters included in the risk management strategy.