(1) A prospective purchaser may enter into a confidentiality agreement with the State for the purpose of obtaining access to information in the possession or control of an airport entity.
(2) The agreement must state--
(a) the information to which access may be given; and
(b) the employees or agents of the prospective purchaser to whom the access may be given; and
(c) any conditions of the agreement.
(3) Information mentioned in subsection (2)(a) may be identified by description including by a stated category.
(4) The persons mentioned in subsection (2)(b) may be identified by name, by a stated class, or by being a person approved by the State.
(5) In this section--
(a) a reference to an agreement includes a deed; and
(b) a reference to entering into an agreement with the State includes executing a deed in favour of the State.
(6) In this section--
prospective purchaser means a person who has expressed to the State an interest in purchasing an airport entity, shares in an airport entity or part or all of a business of an airport entity.