(1) The Minister must, as soon as practicable after the completion day for each airport, publish notice in the gazette of the land use plan (the first land use plan) for the airport lessee's airport land.
(2) Section 35, other than section 35(1)(e) and (f), applies to the first land use plan.
(3) The Minister may act under subsection (1) in relation to a land use plan only if satisfied--
(a) the plan satisfactorily deals with the core matters relevant to the plan; and
(b) State interests will not be adversely affected by the plan.
(4) The Minister must give a copy of the gazette notice and the first land use plan to--
(a) the airport lessee; and
(b) the local government.
(5) The local government must make a note on each relevant map in the local government's planning scheme that--
(a) identifies the airport land to which the first land use plan applies; and
(b) states that interested persons may obtain details of the land use plan from the airport lessee for the airport land.