(1) The planning Minister may approve a draft plan if satisfied that--
(a) the draft plan, or land use plan as amended by the draft plan, satisfactorily deals with the core matters relevant to the land use plan; and
(b) the airport lessee has taken appropriate account of issues raised in written submissions made to it under section 38(2); and
(c) the local government does not have a substantial objection to the draft plan; and
(d) State interests will not be adversely affected by the draft plan.
(2) If the planning Minister is satisfied about subsection (1)(a), (b) and (d) but is satisfied that the local government has a substantial objection to the draft plan, the draft plan may only be approved by the Governor in Council.
(3) Approval of a land use plan, or an amendment of a land use plan, must be notified in the gazette within 21 days after it is given.
(4) The approval takes effect when it is notified in the gazette.