(1) An authorised officer for an airport may give a verbal direction to a person on the airport land if giving the direction is reasonably necessary to--
(a) ensure the safety or security of the airport land, its users or the airport lessor's employees or invitees; or
(b) prevent the person's activities or conduct from affecting the airport's operation.
Examples of directions that may be given for subsection (1)--
a direction to control the parking of an aircraft or the movement, stopping or parking of a vehicle
a direction to control the movement, handling or storage of goods that are loaded, waiting to be loaded, unloaded or being transhipped
a direction to control the movement of persons
(2) Subsection (3) applies if an authorised officer--
(a) finds a person committing an offence, or reasonably suspects that a person has just committed an offence, against section 85; or
(b) reasonably believes that a person's presence at the airport facilities may pose a threat to the safety or security of the airport facilities, its users or the airport lessor's employees or invitees; or
(c) reasonably believes that a person is in an area of the airport facilities without lawful justification or excuse.
(3) An authorised officer may give a verbal direction to the person to--
(a) immediately leave the airport facilities, or an area of the airport facilities; or
(b) immediately leave the airport facilities, or an area of the airport facilities, and not return for at least 24 hours.
(4) An authorised officer must identify himself or herself as an authorised officer if the authorised officer gives a verbal direction by radio, megaphone or another form of distance communication.