(1) The following land is Cairns airport land--
(a) land that, on the completion day for Cairns International Airport, has a property description mentioned in schedule 1, part 1;
(b) land prescribed to be Cairns airport land under a regulation for this section.
(2) However, land is not Cairns airport land if it is prescribed under a regulation for this section not to be Cairns airport land.
(3) The Minister must not recommend to the Governor in Council the making of a regulation under subsection (1)(b) unless the Minister is satisfied the land is or will be used in connection with Cairns International Airport.
(4) Subject to subsection (2), land mentioned in subsection (1)(a) continues to be Cairns airport land even if, after the completion day, it has a different property description.
(5) To remove any doubt, it is declared that there is no Cairns airport land until the completion day for Cairns International Airport.