(1) Section 161(1), 'The'—
omit, insert—
'Subject to section 161B, the'.
(2) Section 161(1)(b)—
omit, insert—
'(b) after the person or the person's representative, has, to maximise the person's entitlement, exercised all powers and discretions to do all or any of the following—
(i) effect or compel a change of the corporation's constitution;
(ii) vary the rights conferred by the shares in the corporation;
(iii) pay up any uncalled amount owing to the corporation for the shares;
(iv) satisfy conditions in the corporation's constitution relating to the shares;
(v) effect or compel the substitution or replacement of shares in the corporation with other shares in the corporation.'.
(3) Section 161(2) and (3)—
(4) Section 161(4)—
renumber as section 161(2).