(1) Section 140(1)(g)--
omit, insert--
'(g) an adult if a carer who provides stand alone child care in a home has been asked under section 139 to apply for a prescribed notice or exemption notice about the adult.'.
(2) Section 140(2) and (3), from 'Commissioner' to 'Guardian'--
omit, insert--
'children's commissioner'.
(3) Section 140(2)(a) and (c), after 'prescribed notice'--
'or exemption notice'.
(4) Section 140(2)(b)--
omit, insert--
'(b) whether a prescribed notice or exemption notice is in force for the individual and, if so--
(i) the date of issue of the notice; and
(ii) whether it is a positive prescribed notice, negative prescribed notice, positive exemption notice or negative exemption notice;'.