(1) A temporary order takes effect--
(a) if the respondent is present before the magistrate or court when the order is made--when it is made; or
(b) if the respondent is not present before the magistrate or court when the order is made--when a copy of the order is served on the respondent under section 24(2).
(2) The temporary order remains in force until whichever of the following happens first--
(a) if the temporary order is made under section 15--a proceeding for a final order is not started by the return date and time fixed by a magistrate under section 15(5);
(b) the application for the final order is next mentioned in a court and the court does not extend the term of the temporary order under section 19;
(c) the prescribed period ends;
(d) a court decides the application for the final order;
(e) the commissioner discontinues the application for the final order;
(f) the temporary order is revoked under section 22 or on appeal.
(3) In this section--
final order means a final order for the respondent for the temporary order.
prescribed period means--
(a) if paragraph (b) does not apply--28 days; or
(b) the period for which the temporary order is extended under section 19.