(1) A magistrate or court hearing an application for an offender prohibition order must hear the application in the presence of only the following--
(a) the applicant;
(b) unless the application is heard in the respondent's absence--the respondent;
(c) any witness the magistrate or court allows for the application;
(d) another person the magistrate or court considers appropriate to be present and allows to be present;
a parent of a child respondent
another person who is able to provide cultural or emotional support for the respondent, or for a witness whom the magistrate or court has allowed to be present
a person conducting relevant academic or scientific research
(e) a lawyer representing anyone mentioned in paragraph (a), (b) or (c);
(f) a person whose presence the magistrate or court considers is necessary or desirable for the proper conduct of the proceedings.
a recorder or shorthand reporter performing a function under the Recording of Evidence Act 1962
(2) This section does not limit the Police Service Administration Act 1990, section 10.24.
The Police Service Administration Act 1990, section 10.24 provides for the representation of police officers in court.