adult respondent means a respondent who is not a child respondent.
appeal court, for part 8, see section 52.
appearance notice, for a proceeding for an order, means a notice in the approved form stating the following in relation to the order--
(a) that an application for the order will be made against the respondent;
(b) when and where the application is to be heard;
(c) that the respondent is required to appear at the hearing to be heard on the application;
(d) that the court may make the order in the respondent's absence if the respondent fails to appear at the hearing;
(e) that on the making of the order--
(i) the respondent becomes a reportable offender under the Offender Reporting Act; and
(ii) the respondent is prohibited from applying for a positive notice; and
(iii) any positive notice or positive notice blue card held by the respondent is--
(A) if the order is a temporary order--suspended; or
(B) if the order is a final order--cancelled;
(f) that the order may be registered in a jurisdiction other than Queensland, including a jurisdiction outside Australia, if a law of the other jurisdiction provides for the registration.
application documents, for an order, see section 7(3).
approved form means a form approved under section 59.
chief executive (child safety) means the chief executive of the department in which the Child Protection Act 1999 is administered.
chief executive (communities) means the chief executive of the department in which the Juvenile Justice Act 1992 is administered.
chief executive (education) means the chief executive of the department in which the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 is administered.
children's commissioner means the Commissioner for Children and Young People and Child Guardian under the Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardian Act 2000.
child respondent means--
(a) for a temporary order--a respondent who is a child when the application for the temporary order is made; or
(b) for a corresponding order or registered corresponding order--a respondent who is a child when the corresponding order is registered under this Act; or
(c) otherwise--a respondent who is a child when the application for the offender prohibition order is made.
commissioner means the commissioner of the police service.
committed against a child includes committed in relation to a child.
conduct includes an act, omission and course of conduct.
conviction includes a finding of guilt, and the acceptance of a plea of guilty, by a court, whether or not a conviction is recorded.
corresponding order means an order made under a law of a jurisdiction other than Queensland, including a jurisdiction outside Australia, that closely corresponds to an offender prohibition order.
court means--
(a) for an offender prohibition order for a child respondent--the Childrens Court constituted by a Childrens Court magistrate; or
(b) otherwise--a Magistrates Court, other than a Magistrates Court constituted by justices who are not magistrates.
disqualification order see section 25(2).
final order see section 13.
forensic order means a forensic order (Criminal Code) or a forensic order (Mental Health Court) within the meaning of the Mental Health Act 2000.
government entity means a government entity within the meaning of the Public Service Act 1996.
lawyer means an Australian lawyer within the meaning of the Legal Profession Act 2007 who, under that Act, may engage in legal practice in this State.
magistrate, for a child respondent, means a Childrens Court magistrate.
offender prohibition order means an order or, other than in section 6, a temporary order prohibiting a relevant sexual offender named in the order from engaging in particular conduct.
Offender Reporting Act means the Child Protection (Offender Reporting) Act 2004.
order see section 6(1).
parent, of a person, means a parent or guardian of the person and includes--
(a) for an Aboriginal person--a person, who under Aboriginal tradition, is regarded as a parent of the person; or
(b) for a Torres Strait Islander person--a person, who under Island custom, is regarded as a parent of the person;
but does not include an approved carer of the person under the Child Protection Act 1999.
positive notice means a positive notice under the Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardian Act 2000.
positive notice blue card means a positive notice blue card under the Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardian Act 2000.
prescribed entity means any of the following entities--
(a) the chief executive (child safety);
(b) the chief executive (communities);
(c) the chief executive (education);
(d) children's commissioner.
registered corresponding order means a corresponding order registered under section 31.
registrar, for part 3, see section 30.
relevant decision, for part 8, see section 52.
relevant order, for part 8, see section 52.
relevant sexual offender means a following person who is not subject to a supervision order or interim supervision order under the Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) Act 2003 or a forensic order--
(a) a person who is a reportable offender;
(b) a person who would be a reportable offender if the person's sentence for a reportable offence had not ended before the commencement of the Offender Reporting Act, section 5.
reportable offence means a reportable offence under the Offender Reporting Act.
reportable offender means a person who is a reportable offender under the Offender Reporting Act.
respondent means--
(a) for a proposed offender prohibition order--the person who is the respondent to the application for the proposed offender prohibition order; or
(b) for an offender prohibition order--the person against whom the offender prohibition order is made; or
(c) for a corresponding order or a registered corresponding order--the person against whom the corresponding order was made.
section 54 notice see section 23(4).
temporary order see section 13.