(1) Section 187(1)(a)(iv), 'approved foster carer or other carer'--
omit, insert--
'approved carer or other person'.
(2) Section 187(1)(a)(vi) to (ix)--
renumber as section 187(1)(a)(vii) to (x).
(3) Section 187(1)(a)--
'(vi) a recognised entity or member of a recognised entity; or'.
(4) Section 187(3)(b), 'directly'--
(5) Section 187(3)(b), example, 'foster'--
(6) Section 187(3)(c)(ii), 'by law'--
omit, insert--
'under this division or another law'.
(7) Section 187(4) and (5)--
omit, insert--
'(4) Also, the person may disclose the information or give access to the document--
(a) to another person, to the extent that the information or document is about the other person; or
(b) to the chief executive or an authorised officer, to enable the proper administration of chapter 4.3'.
(8) Section 187(6)--
renumber as section 187(5).
(9) Section 187--
'(6) In this section--
recognised Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander agency means a recognised Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander agency under this Act before the commencement of the Child Safety Legislation Amendment Act 2005, section 64.'.