(1) An entity that provides any of the following accommodation or residential services is a child safe entity—(a) housing or accommodation services, including supported accommodation services;Examples—• an entity that provides a housing service under the Housing Act 2003 , section 8• an entity that provides specialist homelessness services• an entity that provides a child accommodation service under the Working with Children (Risk Management and Screening) Act 2000(b) domestic and family violence services, including, for example, emergency accommodation;(c) camps or excursions that include overnight stays;(d) a school boarding facility, including, for example, a student hostel or student residential college.
(2) In this section—
"supported accommodation services" means services involving the provision of accommodation to a person that includes additional support for the person, including, for example, case management, social support or care services.
A religious body that provides the following services is a child safe entity—
(a) a community or support service, including, for example, a chaplaincy service or children’s recreation service;
(b) activities or services of any kind, including, for example, church services or youth groups.
Each of the following entities is a child safe entity—
(a) an approved provider under the Education and Care Services National Law (Queensland) ;
(b) a Queensland approved provider or stand-alone service under the Education and Care Services Act 2013 ;
(c) an entity that provides adjunct care within the meaning of the Education and Care Services Act 2013 ;
(d) an entity that provides child care in the course of a commercial service, including, for example, baby-sitting, nanny or in-home care services.
Each of the following entities is a child safe entity—
(a) a departmental care service or licensed care service under the Child Protection Act 1999 ;
(b) another entity that provides services relating to child protection or support services for parents and families relating to child protection.Examples—• an entity that provides protection and care needs mentioned in the Child Protection Act 1999 , section 82 (1) (f)• an appropriate Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander entity with a prescribed delegate under the Child Protection Act 1999 , chapter 4 , part 2A• a provider of family support and wellbeing services
Each of the following entities is a child safe entity—
(a) a provider of disability services under the Disability Services Act 2006 , section 12 ;
(b) an NDIS service provider under the Disability Services Act 2006 , section 15 .
Each of the following entities is a child safe entity—
(a) a State educational institution under the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 ;
(b) a non-State school under the Education (Accreditation of Non-State Schools) Act 2017 ;
(c) a not-for-profit organisation that is the holder of a student exchange approval under the Education (Overseas Students) Act 2018 ;
(d) TAFE Queensland established under the TAFE Queensland Act 2013 ;
(e) a registered training organisation under the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 (Cwlth) ;
(f) a university established under an Act.
Each of the following entities is a child safe entity—
(a) a Hospital and Health Service under the Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011 ;
(b) the Queensland Ambulance Service established under the Ambulance Service Act 1991 ;
(c) a private health facility under the Private Health Facilities Act 1999 ;
(d) an entity that provides mental health services, including, for example, treatment, assessment or rehabilitation services or programs;
(e) an entity that provides alcohol or other drug-related treatment;
(f) an entity that provides counselling or support services, including, for example, a regulated business under the Working with Children (Risk Management and Screening) Act 2000 that provides health, counselling and support services mentioned in schedule 1 , section 16 of that Act;
(g) a health service provider under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (Queensland) .
Each of the following entities is a child safe entity—
(a) an entity that provides programs and services mentioned in the Youth Justice Act 1992 , section 302 ;
(b) an entity that provides legal or other advocacy services, including, for example, a community legal centre or a provider of court support services;
(c) an entity that provides diversionary, interventionist or rehabilitation activities, including, for example, a graffiti removal program under the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 , section 379A or bail support services.
Each of the following entities is a child safe entity—
(a) a club or association including, for example, the Scout Association of Australia, Girl Guides Association, a parents and citizens association or a sporting club;
(b) an entity that provides cultural, sporting or recreational services, including, for example, an art or performing arts program, swimming school or an entity that provides cultural activities;
(c) an entity that provides coaching, tutoring or private teaching services, including, for example, a regulated business under the Working with Children Check Act 2000 that provides private teaching, coaching or tutoring mentioned in schedule 1, section 17 of that Act.
An entity that provides general services or facilities specifically for children on a commercial basis, including, for example, gym or play facilities, talent or beauty competitions, modelling services, photography services, entertainment services or party services is a child safe entity.
Each of the following entities is a child safe entity—
(a) an entity that provides transport or transport-related services including, for example, the provision of crossing supervisors under the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995 ;
(b) an entity that provides driver training services by driver trainers accredited under the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995 .
An entity that provides community services for children, including, for example, a neighbourhood centre funded by the State or a youth support service is a child safe entity.
Each of the following entities is a child safe entity—
(a) a public sector entity under the Public Sector Act 2022 , section 8 ;
(b) the police service;
(c) a local government.