Section 81--
omit, insert--
'(1) An electricity retailer may enter into a contract with a person (the electricity retailer's authorised subcontractor) under which the person agrees to perform some or all of the electricity retailer's functions under this Act.
'(2) An authorised subcontractor of an electricity retailer may enter into a contract with a person (also the electricity retailer's authorised subcontractor) under which the person agrees to perform some or all of the electricity retailer's functions that the authorised subcontractor has agreed to perform under another contract.
Examples of authorised subcontractors--
An electricity retailer enters into a contract with S1 under which S1 agrees to perform particular functions of the electricity retailer. S1 is an authorised subcontractor of the electricity retailer.
S1 enters into a contract with S2 under which S2 agrees to perform some of the functions that S1 agreed to perform under its contract with the electricity retailer. S2 is also an authorised subcontractor of the electricity retailer.
S2 enters into a contract with S3 under which S3 agrees to perform some of the functions of the electricity retailer that S2 agreed to perform under its contract with S1. S 3 is also an authorised subcontractor of the electricity retailer.
'(3) An electricity retailer or authorised subcontractor of an electricity retailer must not contract under subsection (1) or (2) without the written approval of the commissioner.
'(4) However, a failure to comply with subsection (3) does not affect the validity of the contract or the status of a person as an authorised subcontractor of an electricity retailer.
'(5) Despite any contract under subsection (1) or (2), an electricity retailer remains liable for the proper performance of the electricity retailer's functions under this Act.
'(6) An obligation or requirement applying to an electricity retailer under this Act also applies to an authorised subcontractor of the electricity retailer to the extent that the obligation or requirement relates to the performance of the electricity retailer's functions that the authorised subcontractor is contracted to perform.
S1 is an authorised subcontractor of an electricity retailer. In the course of performing functions contracted to it under its contract, S1 holds information about the electricity retailer's electricity customers. S1 must comply with a requirement of the commissioner to give the information to the commissioner.'.