After section 14—
'A reference in this Act to a document of a type that may be lodged or deposited under this Act includes a reference to the document in the form of an electronic conveyancing document.
'(1) An electronic conveyancing document is a document under the Electronic Conveyancing National Law (Queensland) that is lodged electronically under section 7 of that Law, in the land registry.
Under the Electronic Conveyancing National Law (Queensland), schedule 1, section 12(1), definition document, a document includes any record of information that exists in a digital form and is capable of being reproduced, transmitted, stored and duplicated by electronic means.
'(2) Subsection (3) applies to a document that is lodged or deposited in an electronic form by an electronic communication under—
(a) this Act or another law, other than the Electronic Conveyancing National Law (Queensland); and
(b) the Electronic Transactions (Queensland) Act 2001.
'(3) To remove any doubt, it is declared that the document is not an electronic conveyancing document.
'If this Act provides for a document to be signed or executed and the document is an electronic conveyancing document, the document must be digitally signed as provided for under the Electronic Conveyancing National Law (Queensland).'.