(1) The college must develop professional standards.
(2) The purpose of the standards is to detail the abilities, experience, knowledge or skills expected of teachers to--
(a) be the criteria for the college's decision about whether to approve a preservice teacher education program; and
(b) help the college decide whether a following person meets the professional practice requirements--
(i) an applicant for provisional or full registration;
(ii) an applicant for the renewal of full registration.
(3) The standards may provide for all or any of the following matters--
(a) the abilities, knowledge and skills required for provisional registration;
(b) the abilities, experience, knowledge and skills required for full registration;
(c) the abilities, experience, knowledge and skills required for renewal of full registration.
(4) In developing or amending the professional standards, the college must consult with the chief executive and the representative entities.
(5) Subsection (4) does not prevent the college consulting with another person or entity.
(6) If the professional standards are inconsistent with a requirement under this Act, the standards are invalid to the extent of the inconsistency.
(7) The college must--
(a) make the professional standards available for inspection on its Internet site;32 and
(b) ensure copies of the standards, and each document applied, adopted or incorporated by the standards, are kept available for inspection, free of charge, at the office.