(1) A person is eligible for full registration if the college is reasonably satisfied--
(a) either--
(i) the person has attained the qualifications and experience for full registration prescribed under a regulation; or
(ii) the person's education, abilities, experience and contribution to education establish the person meets the requirements under the professional standards for full registration; and
a person has a teaching qualification that is not a prescribed qualification but has long and meritorious teaching experience in a school, whether or not the school is in Queensland
(b) the person is suitable to teach; and
(c) the person meets any other requirements for professional practice for full registration prescribed under a regulation.
(2) The requirements mentioned in subsection (1)(a) and (c) are the professional practice requirements for full registration.
(3) The requirements mentioned in subsection (1)(a) to (c) are the eligibility requirements for full registration.
(4) Without limiting subsection (1), the college may be satisfied the person meets the eligibility requirements for full registration by imposing conditions on the registration under section 20.2