(1) Section 21T, heading, 'or their agents,'--
omit, insert--
'their agents, or recognised schools,'.
(2) Section 21T(1)--
omit, insert--
'(1) This section prescribes, for a provider, a prescribed agent for a provider, or a recognised school--
(a) the information recorded in the student account kept for a person to which the authority must give the provider, agent or recognised school access (the accessible information); and
(b) the purpose of the access.'.
(3) Section 21T(5)--
renumber as section 21T(6).
(4) Section 21T--
'(5) For a recognised school for the person--
(a) the accessible information is all of the information; and
(b) the purpose of the access is to help the recognised school--
(i) comply with section 21OC; and
(ii) manage the educational program provided to the person.'.
(5) Section 21T(6)--
'recognised school, for a person, means the recognised school at which the person is enrolled in certification studies.'.