(1) This section provides for the working out of a scheme member's user-pays fee for a quarter (the assessed quarter).
(2) The energy ombudsman must prepare a forecast of the costs (forecasted costs) that the ombudsman reasonably considers will be the scheme member's likely relevant performance costs for the assessed quarter.
(3) In making the forecast for the assessed quarter, the energy ombudsman may, but is not required to, have regard to the scheme member's relevant performance costs for the previous quarter or likely relevant performance costs for the current quarter.
(4) The amount of the scheme member's user-pays fee for the assessed quarter is the amount of the forecasted costs for the quarter, subject to any adjustment required under subsection (6) or (7).
(5) Subsections (6) to (8) apply if the actual amount of the scheme member's relevant performance costs for the previous quarter are different to what were the forecasted costs for that quarter.
(6) If the forecasted costs were greater than the actual costs, the forecasted costs for the assessed quarter must be reduced by the difference (the positive figure).
(7) If the forecasted costs were less than the actual costs, the forecasted costs for the assessed quarter must be increased by the difference.
(8) The scheme member is not entitled to, or to be credited for, interest on the positive figure.
(9) In this section--
current quarter means the quarter in which the forecast for the assessed quarter is made.
previous quarter means the quarter ending immediately before the current quarter, whether or not the scheme member was a scheme member for all of that quarter.
relevant performance costs, for a scheme member for a quarter, are the costs incurred by the energy ombudsman during the quarter to perform the ombudsman's functions relating to the member, as worked out under the budget guidelines prepared under section 75, in relation to dispute referrals made to the ombudsman for the member.