Before schedule 4, as renumbered—
'The community housing provider is fair, transparent and responsive in delivering housing assistance to tenants, residents and other clients particularly in relation to the following—
(a) determining and managing eligibility, allocation, and termination of housing assistance;
(b) determining and managing rents;
(c) setting and meeting relevant housing service standards;
(d) supporting tenant and resident engagement;
(e) facilitating access to support for social housing applicants and tenants with complex needs;
(f) managing and addressing complaints and appeals relating to the provision of housing services;
(g) maintaining satisfaction with the overall quality of housing services.
'The community housing provider manages its community housing assets in a manner that ensures suitable properties are available at present and in the future, particularly in relation to the following—
(a) determining changing housing needs and planning asset acquisitions, disposals and reconfiguration to respond (strategic asset management);
(b) setting and meeting relevant property condition standards;
(c) planning and undertaking responsive, cyclical and life-cycle maintenance to maintain property conditions (asset maintenance);
(d) planning and delivering its housing development program (asset development).
'The community housing provider works in partnership with relevant organisations to promote community housing and to contribute to socially inclusive communities, specifically in relation to—
(a) promoting community housing to local organisations that work with potential residents, tenants or clients; and
(b) contributing to place renewal and social inclusion partnerships and planning relevant to the provider's community housing activities.
'The community housing provider is well-governed to support the aims and intended outcomes of its business, specifically in relation to the following—
(a) ensuring coherent and robust strategic, operational, financial and risk planning;
(b) ensuring effective, transparent and accountable arrangements and controls are in place for decision making to give effect to strategic, operational, financial and risk plans;
(c) complying with legal requirements and relevant government policies;
(d) ensuring that the governing body has members with appropriate expertise or that such expertise is available to the governing body.
'The community housing provider maintains high standards of probity relating to the business of the provider, specifically in relation to the following—
(a) establishing and administering a code of conduct;
(b) establishing and administering a system of employment and appointment checks;
(c) establishing and administering a system for preventing, detecting, reporting on and responding to, instances of fraud, corruption and criminal conduct;
(d) maintaining the reputation of the community housing sector.
'The community housing provider manages its resources to achieve the intended outcomes of its business in a cost effective manner, specifically in relation to the following—
(a) demonstrating it utilises its assets and funding to meet business goals;
(b) implementing appropriate management structures, systems, policies and procedures to ensure the operational needs of its business can be met (including having people with the right skills and experience and the systems and resources to achieve the intended outcomes of its business).
'The community housing provider is financially viable at all times, specifically in relation to the following—
(a) ensuring a viable capital structure;
(b) maintaining appropriate financial performance;
(c) managing financial risk exposure.
'A registered provider must comply with the provisions of the national regulatory code in schedule 1 that are identified on the relevant register as applying to the provider.
'A registered provider must comply with this Act in relation to the transfer of, or other dealing with, a community housing asset of the provider.
'A registered provider must, at the times and in the way approved by the registrar, give the registrar any information reasonably required by the registrar about the exercise of the provider's functions, including information relating to an arrangement the provider has with another person in relation to the exercise of the provider's functions.
'(1) A registered provider must comply with a written request by the registrar for information about the provider's affairs, including a request to produce a specified document or record.
'(2) The provider must comply with the request within—
(a) 14 days after receiving the request; or
(b) if a longer period is stated in the request—the stated period.
'If the registrar makes a written request that a registered provider attend a meeting with the registrar to answer questions about the provider's affairs, the provider must ensure that an appropriately qualified officer or employee of the provider attends the meeting at the time and place stated in the request.
'A registered provider must allow the registrar to enter the provider's premises during business hours for the purpose of the registrar inspecting the premises or the provider's records.
'(1) A registered provider must keep a list, in the approved form, of—
(a) if the provider is a national provider—all of the provider's national community housing assets; or
(b) if the provider is a state provider—all of the provider's state community housing assets.
'(2) The provider must make the list, or a copy of the list, available to the registrar for inspection on request.
'A national provider for which this jurisdiction is the primary jurisdiction must comply with any applicable requirement of the corresponding law of another participating jurisdiction in relation to the transfer of, or other dealing with, a national community housing asset of the provider.
'A national provider for which this jurisdiction is the primary jurisdiction must have provision in its constitution for each remaining national community housing asset of the provider to be transferred, on the winding-up of the provider—
(a) if the asset is located in this jurisdiction—under this Act; or
(b) if the asset is located in another participating jurisdiction—under the corresponding law of that jurisdiction.
'(1) A national provider for which this jurisdiction is the primary jurisdiction must comply with a written request by a registrar of another participating jurisdiction for information about the provider's affairs, including a request to produce a specified document or record.
'(2) This provider must comply with the request within—
(a) 14 days after receiving the request; or
(b) if a longer period is stated in the request—the stated period.
'If a registrar of another participating jurisdiction makes a written request that a national provider for which this jurisdiction is the primary jurisdiction attend a meeting with the registrar to answer questions about the provider's affairs, the provider must ensure that an appropriately qualified officer or employee of the provider attends the meeting at the time and place stated in the request.
'A national provider for which this jurisdiction is the primary jurisdiction must allow a registrar of another participating jurisdiction to enter the provider's premises during business hours for the purpose of the registrar inspecting the premises or the provider's records.
'A national provider for which this jurisdiction is the primary jurisdiction must notify the registrar of any of the following events mentioned in column 1, within the time stated opposite the event, in column 2—
Column 1 | Column 2 |
Event | Time within which registrar must be notified |
a decision to appoint a voluntary administrator to the provider | as soon as practicable after the decision |
a decision to wind-up the provider | as soon as practicable after the decision |
the appointment of a receiver to the provider | as soon as practicable after the provider learns of the receiver's appointment |
a decision to apply for cancellation of the provider's registration on the national register | as soon as practicable after the decision and at least 28 days before the day the application is made |
a decision to conduct a vote at a meeting on a matter that may affect the provider's eligibility to remain registered on the national register or the category of the provider's registration | as soon as practicable after the decision and at least 28 days before the day the meeting is held |
a change in the provider's affairs that may have an adverse impact on its compliance with this Act or the corresponding law of another participating juridiction | before the change or within 3 days after the change |
any other event for which the registrar gives the provider notice | within the time stated in the notice |
'A state provider may provide a community housing service in this jurisdiction only.'.