(1) This section applies if—
(a) the Regulator grants a mass or dimension authority by giving a person a permit; and
(b) the authority is subject to a road condition required by a relevant road manager for the authority when consenting to the grant of the authority.
(2) The information notice for the decision to impose the condition given to the person under this Law must state the following, in addition to any other information required to be included in the information notice—
(a) that the road manager consented to the mass or dimension authority on the condition that the road condition is imposed on the authority;
(b) a written statement that explains the road manager's decision to give the consent on the condition that the road condition be imposed on the authority and complies with section 172;
(c) the review and appeal information for the road manager's decision to give the consent on the condition that the road condition be imposed on the authority.