(1) The operator of an intelligent access vehicle must take all reasonable steps to tell the vehicle's driver before the vehicle begins a journey—
(a) about the vehicle driver's obligation under section 408; and
(b) how the vehicle's driver can make the reports required by that obligation.
Maximum penalty—$6000.
(2) The operator of an intelligent access vehicle is taken to comply with subsection (1) if the operator—
(a) gives the vehicle's driver a notice stating the information mentioned in the subsection, including, for example, by placing it in the vehicle's driving cabin in a clearly visible position; or
(b) includes the information mentioned in the subsection in a written contract of employment between the operator and the vehicle's driver.
(3) The national regulations may prescribe—
(a) a form of notice that may be used under subsection (2)(a); and
(b) for the purposes of subsection (2)(b), a standard form of words that may be used as part of a written contract of employment.