(1) This section applies if, under this Law, an authorised officer directs the driver of a fatigue-regulated heavy vehicle to stop the vehicle for compliance purposes.
(2) If, for the exercise or purported exercise of a power under this Law, the authorised officer detains the driver for 5 minutes or longer, the driver may ask the officer to record the following details in the driver's work diary—
(a) the officer's identifying details;
(b) the time, date and place at which the driver stopped the heavy vehicle in compliance with the officer's direction;
(c) the length of time the driver spent talking to the officer in the exercise or purported exercise of a power under this Law.
(3) The authorised officer must comply with the request.
(4) An authorised officer complies with subsection (2)(a) by recording either his or her name, or his or her identification number.