(1) A court that convicts a person (the convicted person) of an offence against this Law may make an order (a compensation order) requiring the convicted person to pay the road manager for a road, by way of compensation, an amount the court considers appropriate for loss incurred, or likely to be incurred, by the road manager for damage caused to road infrastructure as a result of the offence.
(2) A compensation order may be made on the application of the prosecutor, the Regulator or the road manager.
(3) The court may make a compensation order in relation to damage the court considers, on the balance of probabilities, was caused or partly caused by the commission of the offence.
(4) The court may make a compensation order—
(a) when the court gives its sentence for the offence; or
(b) at a later time, but not after the end of the period within which a proceeding for the offence must start under this Law.
See section 707 for the period within which a proceeding for an offence against this Law must start.