Chapter 12—
155A Taxi and limousine industry assistance regulation(1) A regulation may provide for a scheme for the payment of financial assistance to certain persons who—(a) have held or hold—(i) a taxi service licence; or(ii) a limousine service licence, other than a special purpose limousine service licence; or(b) have been or are—(i) an accredited operator of a taxi service; or(ii) an accredited operator of a service for the administration of taxi services; or(iii) an accredited operator of a limousine service, other than a limousine service provided under a special purpose limousine service licence.(2) For example, a regulation may provide for—(a) the criteria for eligibility to receive financial assistance; or(b) proof of eligibility; or(c) applications for financial assistance; or(d) the period within which applications for financial assistance may be made; or(e) the provision of additional information or records by applicants; or(f) the determination of applications for financial assistance; or(g) conditions on payment of financial assistance; or(h) the review of decisions relating to applications for financial assistance; or(i) the amount payable to a person who is eligible for financial assistance; or(j) the repayment of all or part of financial assistance paid to a person who—(i) was not eligible for the assistance; or(ii) did not comply with conditions on payment of the assistance.(3) This section, and any regulation made under this section, expire 2 years after this section commences.